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prabha (patent agent)     25 June 2013

Legal assistance required

Dear All,

I was posted at Chennai (Govt of india undertaking) wherein in departmental enquiry i have been dismissed. Can I move to CAT principle bench at delhi as I am based at NOIDA. Also please suggest any good advocate. I have not been paid any subsistence allownace for last 8-10 months also.



 3 Replies

Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     25 June 2013

you have to apply at chennai as the posting place 

before filing give a formal letter to pay subsistance allowance and wait for there reply and after reply then file in the cat bench and for better lawyer you can search at the association of the CAT bench or the LCI search portal 

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     25 June 2013

I am sorry but I do not under stand what could be "pay subsistance allowance" when he has beendismissed.  After dismissal theier is neither pay nor subsistance nor any further letter frolm employer.


You have to first of all submit appeal as per CDA rules of the PSU and then move to CAT ir the PSU is in the jurisdiction list .  If not then Distt court or High Court as considered appropriate by your advocate.


you have time to move to court.  You visit CAT(PB), hear arguments and consult an advocate appearing competent.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     25 June 2013

please also refer to earlier thread at

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