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SANJAY DIXIT (Advocate)     16 February 2008


Repondez s’il vous plait (Fr) => (abbr RSVP) a reply will oblige

Res judicata (L) => a case already decided



Sine die (L) => indefinitely

Sub judice (L) => under consideration



Tempus fugit (L) => time plies



Ultra vires (L) => beyond one’s power

Ut infra (L) => as below

Ut supra (L) => as above



Versus (L) => (abbr V) against

Vide licet (L) => to wit, namely

Vice versa (L) => the terms being exchanged

Via (L) => by way of

Vita partis (L) => (abbr V.P.) in the lifetime of father

Viva voce (L) => by oral testimony


* L => LATIN


*Ger => GERMAN



 10 Replies

anupam_advocate (n/a)     16 February 2008

thanx sanjay its uery use ful

Vishwanath tripathi (Advocate)     17 February 2008

Thanks. Sanjai very informative

V.Raghavan (Advocate Madras High Court)     18 February 2008

Thanks all the maxims are very useful and make good rememberence of once studied. Thanks once again. V.Raghavan Advocate

V.Raghavan (Advocate Madras High Court)     18 February 2008

Thanks all the maxims are very useful and make good rememberence of once studied. Thanks once again. V.Raghavan Advocate

SANJAY DIXIT (Advocate)     21 February 2008

Thanks & Welcome all of You.......

s.sivakumar (advocate)     16 March 2008

Thank you sanjay dixit all the maxims are useful and informative s.sivakumar advocate

Guest (n/a)     16 March 2008

thanks for maxims

SANJAY DIXIT (Advocate)     17 March 2008

Thanks Dear Shivkumar & Dear Thakkar.

jegadeesan29 (Accountant)     19 March 2008


A.Mohamed Thaheer (ADVOCATE)     12 April 2009


WHAT I KNOW LIKE 'UBI JUS IBI REMEDIUM'  meaning "Where there is a right, there is remedy.

"responde superior" means obey the order of superior

"Actio personalis moriteur cum persona" means  when a person dies, action also dies, with respect  to criminal case, and not for civil cases, etc.,

But, I don't thing R.S,V.P., etc., are all legam maxims, as for as my knowledge goes.

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