Repondez s’il vous plait (Fr) => (abbr RSVP) a reply will oblige
Res judicata (L) => a case already decided
Sine die (L) => indefinitely
Sub judice (L) => under consideration
Tempus fugit (L) => time plies
Ultra vires (L) => beyond one’s power
Ut infra (L) => as below
Ut supra (L) => as above
Versus (L) => (abbr V) against
Vide licet (L) => to wit, namely
Vice versa (L) => the terms being exchanged
Via (L) => by way of
Vita partis (L) => (abbr V.P.) in the lifetime of father
Viva voce (L) => by oral testimony
* L => LATIN
*Ger => GERMAN