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windowsxp   27 July 2016

Legal notice

Dear sir/Madam,

my sister has been harrased to bring property by her mother in law, husband and his brother, this harrasment she sustained from last three years but it went to extreme and involved into their family matters and scolded her father in law and asked my sister to come back to my home, she was been with us from last 10 months, some three months back her husband issued one legal notice saying she left house when requested her for a separate family, for which we even not replied..

frequently he is coming to my house premises and shouting using unparlamentarly words but we stood silent and he once brought some mediators we told them we lost trust on him, if he give us any writeen statement saying he wont repeat all the nasty thing again then we will send our sister to his family else we wont, but nothing worked out now he went to police station with some influence asking SI to call my sister to police station, we went to poice station SI did some counselling and agreed he will provide some written assurance to my sister from her husband and inlaws but he didnt did that simply asked my sister to go and live with him..

we are not willing to file 498a even though ther is real harrasment and willing to send my sister if any written statement provided by her husband and inlaws..

my query is, is any time frame for legal notice that we need to reply?

is any wrtten statement has worth in future?





 5 Replies

adv.bharat @ PUNE (Lawyer)     27 July 2016

File case of DV & maintainance u/s125 to get relief.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     27 July 2016

You could have and should have generated irrfutable evidence of threats, demands, abusive behaviour.


Sood   27 July 2016

Yea give a aplication to higher authorities..for further pm me

Sandhya Srinivas (Advocate & Legal consultant)     27 July 2016

In family matters there is no time frame for issuance of legal notice.

If you want security for your sister, file a petition before court and through court settlement it will be effective. 

Kumar Doab (FIN)     27 July 2016

Engage a very able counsel specializing in family matters.

You can act and defend your interest better under expert advise.

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