my daughter file a case her husand in a women ps under sec 498A,406&506 OF I.P.C. R/W.34 0F I.P.C. & SEC 4&6 OF DOWRY PROHIBITION ACT.. our case was registered at police sation & did not proceeded forward to court ,we decide for mutual divorce as her husand n his family requested with a M.O.U. which mentioned that he shall pay 30,00,000/- as damage of my daugters life &on behalf of withdraw of the complaint n mutual divorce, they agreed to pay 10 lakhs at the time of execution of agreement & on the day to file a mutual petion before the honourable court...but as there is no evidence n security given by them for the remaining amount do my daughter have any right to go legally to get the rest of agreed amount from her husband if there is a possibility i want to know the proceed of that....n do i can take any action against the breach of the agreement.......n i want to know whether i can close this case in the police station or the court n after the closure of the case if her husband did not come to evidence of divorce what kind of action should i take against him...please suggest me n help me..............