I worked for a private IT organization from the period of 1st June 2005 to 2nd June 2006. I was made to sign a service agreement which bound me to work for the same employer for at least 3 years or pay Rs. 50000 for liquidated damages.
I was getting a mearge sum of approx Rs. 6000 pm and the work conditions were very hostile, so I decided to quit the job after one year of service, but did not get my relieving letter. I couldn't serve any notice period as well and was ready to pay for the notice period amount mentioned in the Service Agreement (2 months salary).
I had contacted the employers for settling the matter and issuing me the experince certificate in 2007 as well, but they were not ready to help unless i paid Rs. 50000 + 2months salary + a few other charges.
I am attaching the copy of the service agreement which was made between me and the employer. Can someone please suggest if I can challenge this in court or not? I need an experience certificate to produce for my new employer.
Thanks in Advance,