Five sentenced to death for honour killing in Haryana. A lesson for all.
Lesson learnt. By evening another coupled killed in Punjab. Dignity of law prevails.
Anil Agrawal (Retired) 01 April 2010
Five sentenced to death for honour killing in Haryana. A lesson for all.
Lesson learnt. By evening another coupled killed in Punjab. Dignity of law prevails.
Swami Sadashiva Brahmendra Sar (Nil) 01 April 2010
Good news !
It is a shame for the nation that still there are some barberic communities committing honour killing! These type of accused deserve death punishment.
Gundlapallis (Advocate) 04 April 2010
Anilji ! our nation is in process of transformation.... you are refined you feel it that way... but still more than 80% are still in process of transformation into human beings... it will take time... until then.. lets also aid the process of transformation in our own way instead of complaining.