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Pankaj Sharma (Legal Associate)     28 January 2011

Lets bring some changes

Hi Friends,

          Good After noon to all dear friends,

I was once a student in university an doing my law degree,i was being taught that we are part of a noble profession. We have saperate entity among others professions. I was taught that will be getting new social responsibilties when i will enter in court premises. I acceted all these statement and put my first step in distt. courts being a junior advocate. Here, i was taght that i have to follow my senior's orders and commands however he hardly get time to have a glimpse on my innocent face. He is dedicated to work and know how to earn huge,no doudt he was quite intelligent also.

               I worked with him for 15 months, i appeared for 15 to 20 cases daily in distt. courts. Everyday,my mother said to me to ask my senior to give some finacial help coz my father was not in a position to give expenses for my bike's petrol but my senior told me to come to office also in the evening, so here i had to face big crisis to meet my expenditure.

 One day, my fathere stopped to give me pocket money because of our poor business, then a turning point came to my life. I moved to delhi from distt.. I got nothing, then i joined BPO, i think it was a big slap on this profession. U must be thinking that its my frustration only as i am speeking like this. A

Anyway,i did job for  in BPO and married,now my wife is pregnent. My company stopped our process, i am once again jobless since 3 months, did not get chance in any law firm in delhi.

Stil, i am part of this profession,i always loved to work in this profession, i hope, god will help myseldf one day.........



Pankaj Sharma


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