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GAURAV PANDEY (AZ)     27 November 2015


Dear Member,

I want to know about is there any type of license required for manufactruing washing powder, if yes, what the whole process of obtaning it. I am very thankful to you in advance.

 3 Replies

depends on size of unit, location and type of item to be produced. Please visit Ministry of industry website and go through Industrial policy as in vogue.. The governments keep changing items and policies in various lists and FDI approvals lists. So best is consult policy as on date on their website

As on date only 5 items need license form central government One which may clash with you is: Specified Hazardous chemicals i.e. (i) Hydrocyanic acid and its derivatives, (ii) Phosgene and its derivatives and (iii) Isocyanates & diisocyanates of hydrocarbon, not elsewhere specified(example Methyl isocyanate) . If not used or made nolicence neded If you are to set up in medium or large scale , file IEM to central government , a simple process. If in small scale apply to your local small industries department of state. You will also need pollution control department permission before you start even setting up plant and also registration under factory act. You may also need permission for boilers act if you will use one.

we can help you in doing all this in well organised manner , getting approvals, getting finance and best size of plant and viability. These are more important aspects today than licence.

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