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prof s c pratihar (medical practitioner &legal studies)     30 October 2008

like declearing war against our country a great shocking news

after getting the shocking news of northeastern region i rang my friend  ,prof of gauhati medical college.he conveyed me situation worse than what is is true outside agency continuously disturbing our stability and sovergnity.we as civililised citizen of india desires that ourgovt must do something against the enemies so that such things donot recur. we are a strong nation and needs to do something as retaliation .dont be too generous.i and all members are united with our countrymen shal render all moral help to our affected brothers and sisters.

 14 Replies

K.C.Suresh (Advocate)     31 October 2008

I agree with you brother Prof. Tackling terrorism is a diffcult task. Stability of political will power aiming solely at the welfare of the nation alone can counter the terrorism. We have every thing best but not the best polititical situation. Every thing is politically mixed up. Power is the great expectation not the country. In this kind of matters the media is always try to bake hot stuffs from the panic situation and giving on the spot stupid arguements of young reporters, without having any knowledge about the causes of terrorism. Serious issues must be dealt by senior reporters. How ever your concern is the concern of a true patriot. I join my hands with you for the fight agianst any activiteis against my mother "the India".

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     31 October 2008

It is nothing but a crime against humanity. Indian leaders have to decide terrorism or civilizations. Such act of barbarism can not be justified under any circumstances, killing and miaming innocent people is not a hero under any culture, custom or religion. It is  outrightly condemned fit for investigation under the Rome statue. Indian leaders are afraid to take any action from National level as they are too busy fighting each other on petty domestic issues such as train seat or bus seat etc.

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     31 October 2008

I agree with prof.Pratihar, that India is strong, and I would add that India is very strong but crippled.

Shree. ( Advocate.)     31 October 2008

Dear All,

2008 has been a disastrous year for India. Serial Blasts everywhere. I feel for all the innocent victims of this so called “terror”. The main thing is that there cannot be peace in any citizen’s mind till we really feel safe no matter which region of our country we are staying, visiting or living. It’s high time that People should decide what’s right and what’s wrong. A country like India won’t progress on partial Governments….who are not able to take decisions on their own, too much leg pulling in our system from other parties who once support the Government just to get into power and then comes the dirty politics. We need a Government with full majority which seems almost impossible now. Youth of this nation has been hit the hardest, people who are behind these terror acts needs to know that they are not disturbing the whole country but de-stabilizing the youth of this country, We have lost hope as being tagged as the future of the nation, We need to stand up for ourselves.

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     31 October 2008

Time for introspection for all the indians where we are heading in the 21st century? Towards civilization or back to caves? we can not only blame the Leaders as they are our own creation. It is not time for blame game but time for collective action and wisdom. Let us all learn from our past mistakes and strive towatds Strong and vibrant India.Let us stop fooling the masses with petty disputes or glorification with petty achievements by fooling the masses. Time to give a serious thought how the perpetrators of such henious crime sneaked into our midst, where it all started, what the Boarder security forces are doing, are they being shelter by our own people etc,?

Manish Singh (Advocate)     31 October 2008

not only moral help can help this situation. we need to fight it out. I have never seen Ind Govt taking any step for nort eastern region.. but why.. its our part they are all one of us.. but the way they lead their life in fear make them think otherwise than an Indian. they do no wrong if they are geeting away from the feeling "Indian". But please sggest how we could  we go ahead with some strong action

please suggest some measures .. can we move some petitions for the region.. as far as i know military rule is there and they do things on their own whim... cant we force judiciary to step in ....?

I am always there to support actions at Delhi.. please come forward on this front and get in touch woth me to take some concrete action..

please elaborate the scenario of north eastern states. I am not not talking about bangladesis because the route cause for these bangladesis are military rule in those state.  

suggest actions..

Manish Singh (Advocate)     31 October 2008

did you see the situation afetr the blast.. i saw the pics n it really made me cry.. y it hppns to india alwys.. because we all let this happen to ourselves.. stop this otherwise we will be too late.

i would like to request all of you to please excercise your voing rights & please dont take the elections as a simple holday. if we dont go for voings that means we are against our constitution..........

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     01 November 2008

Dear Manish, I know all of you were shock to see those horrific scene of the seril blast in Assam, but for the Nagas, it is not so, because we have been living under such circumstances for more than one and half of the last decade and born and brought up under such circumstances all those are not new to us.

Ajay kumar singh (Advocate)     01 November 2008

Terrorism in our country is the outcome of cheap politics of corrupt politicians.Criminalisation of politics is the prime factor responsible for this situation. Unless a standard is made for entrance in politics,nothing better can be expected. I am in full agreement with Prof. Pratihar and all members.Thanks for raising this burning topic.

prabodh kumar patel (advocate)     01 November 2008

Till the 'VOTE BANK' politics it will not stop.

I may sound hard but it is the truth.

Bina (none)     02 November 2008

Dear All,

Terrorism is spreading very fast and there is hardly any place on the earth where its effects are not visible. Will it consume humanity or it will be eradicated some day?  I strongly believe that Terrorism is like social cancer as mentioned by many people. Terrorism is like cancer. You have to eliminate it. Sometimes you use surgery and sometimes radiation. - Lt. Col. William Bograkos, quoted by Ron Jensen in Stars and Stripes. Terrorism is like cancer, it is both a specific and systemic condition. - William Meyer. Taking this analogy further, let us look at dealing with terrorism as social cancer. Like cancer, the best way to deal with terrorism would be to;

1. Prevention

2. Early detection

3. Elimination

No doubt the best strategy remains to prevent it. How ever its not always easy and possible. Terrorism which is confined to a particular are like a localised cancer tumour, can be handled effectively like how it was done in Punjab. Religious terrorism which spreads like metastasis, makes it very hard to deal that way. One can not use radical methods of treatment in such cases. One has to look at primary source ( Primary tumour) and the secondary. The treatment strategy has to be worked out accordingly. If one looks at present day Islamic terrorism, the primary site is Pakistan to a very large extent. Cancer of terrorism can never be eliminated effectively unless this primary is either surgical removed or neutalised like what is done with Radiation therapy.

But it is not just what we read in news papers or saw on TV. It seems like a business. This industry operates in both sectors, private and public. Like we see mergers and take overs in corporate world, same happens in Terrorism industry. Like corporate houses appoint their agents, salesman, terrorist business syndicates also do similar things. Like business houses lobby with law makers, terrorists also do the same. Mind you, it is a billion dollar industry and operates most professional manner. Some of the best brains are working for this industry. Read this link;

aatma   03 November 2008

Corrupted Politics = Corrupted Administration = Terrorism. 

Which one you can destroy in India?  Which one  is the root  for terrorism?

When an ordinary citizen can live his/her entire life without paying any bribe in his/her  own motherland to get his/her basic needs, then there will be no terrorism in that country.

aatma   03 November 2008

Corrupted Politics = Corrupted Administration = Terrorism. 

Which one you can destroy in India?  Which one  is the root  for terrorism?

When an ordinary citizen can live his/her entire life without paying any bribe in his/her  own motherland to get his/her basic needs, then there will be no terrorism in that country.

Manish Singh (Advocate)     03 November 2008

Dear Sir,

I know how people live in north eastern states. I ahve seen some horrible videos related to chaos in there. Even I have seen the protest of some naked women agaisnt the anarchy kind of situation by the army. but every one thinks he cant do anything since he is alone. so y not get united and d something. we have to do something and now the time has come...

sir, you are better aware of the situation there so [lease suggest some action..

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