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sreeram (Law Officer)     19 May 2008

Limitation For use of Non Judicial Stamp papers-urgent

What is the limitation for use of Non-Judicial Stamp Papers. I heard that the limitation for use of non-judicial stamp papers is only six months. Please clarify.

 28 Replies

amit gupta_lawyer (lawyer)     19 May 2008

yes you heard right limitation of use of stamp paper is six months. you have to use stamp paper purchased with in six months otherwise the stamp paper gets stale.

Vijay Kumar (Advocate)     19 May 2008

Would you please tell the relevant legal provision?

SANJAY DIXIT (Advocate)     19 May 2008

Dear sreeram, Pls. go through the link of this site--

H. S. Thukral (Lawyer)     19 May 2008

Dear Amit You also pl go through the SC judgment through the aforesaid link suggested by Mr. Dixit.

guljit_singh_luggani (advocate)     24 May 2008


Guest (n/a)     24 May 2008

Even otherwise, never was there a limit on the validity of a stamp paper for usage. Only limitation was on surrendering unused stamp paper claiming refund of the amount which has to be done within 6 months time from the date of purchase. This condition continues even now. However, there has been a misconception that stamp papers are valid only for 6 months for executing any documents, which was wrong. Now SC has only clarified the legal position on the same. Regards, Dr. Kishore

Guest (n/a)     19 June 2008

In Thiruvengada Pillai Vs Navaneethammal Manu/sc/0942/2008 Supreme Court held that Indian stamp Act no where prescribes any expiry date for use of a stamp paper. Therefore it is clear that there is no imepdiment for a stam paper purchased more than six months prior to the proposed date of execution being used for the document

anil kedia (chartered accountant)     25 June 2008

please inform if the limitation of stamp paper is governed by state rules and if so then what is the position in maharashtra for use of stamp paper beyond six months

Satish (Lawyer)     30 June 2008

AS per as bombay stamp act article 52A or 54A the stamp paper to be used within 6 months from the date of issuance but as per the Indian stamp act in other state and the SC judgement there is no limitation for use of stamp paper only to get refund of unuse stamp paper the limitation to make applicaiton is 6 months.

RAM DEO KAKRA (ADVOCATE )     16 July 2008

can it be presumed that stamp paper in the name of advocate valid.........till itis not used....foreever

Adv.Rajendra Kothari (Lawyer)     24 July 2008

I think there no limitation is provided for use of non judicial stamp papers.However limitation is provided for getting refund for the same..Adv.Rajendra Kothari

Rakesh (Advocates solicitors and legal consultants)     28 July 2008

No ambiguity. Views of Dr. Kishore (guest) is correct s of today

Guest (n/a)     12 August 2008


Im still not clear what exactly is the validity of unused Stamp Paper.

Does the SC judgement preceed various Stamp Acts of states all over India.

Does the Indian Stamp Act have something in wiritng about the validity of the unused Stamp Papers as well as the states that is in applicable in ?

Guest (n/a)     08 September 2008

Does a contract signed in explicit exclusive Jusrisdiction of a N York court under US laws, between an Indian exporter and an American client, needs to be executed on an Indian non-Judicial Stamp paper. In this case, some of the services defined in the contract are to be performed in India. 

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