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Tushar   13 June 2019

Live in relationship

Dear Sir, Can married man sign live in relationship with divorcee women ? Is the live in relationship law is allowing the same ?

 2 Replies

Vijay Raj Mahajan (Advocate)     14 June 2019

Live in relationship is not by way of signed document, that can be done without any legal documentation by any two people, already married, divorced or unmarried. Do it as it please you with the woman if she is ready for it. What your wife will do against you is asking maintenance, place of residence and divorce from you, apart from the custody of minor children and financial support for them. All this you must be providing, the divorce, you'll be too happy to agree for anytime she ask it from you.

Tushar   26 June 2019

Dear Sir, 

Thanks for your response and advise however as understand there is supreme court recent order that this is official to live in with another women.

Can I get the copy of live in relationship document Please ?


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