Is it necessary to appear for entrance test to get admission into LLB course
RUPESH GOENKA (NA) 17 October 2011
Is it necessary to appear for entrance test to get admission into LLB course
aruntrivedi (lawyer) 17 October 2011
Depends upon rules and regulations of college/university. In my time there was no entrance even for MBBS or LLB or else.
Sailesh Kumar Shah (Advocate) 17 October 2011
i agree with arun trivedi.
In kanpur, it is mandatory.
Sundaram Kumar (Cheief Executive) 17 October 2011
Yes Entrance is necessay in Venkateswara University Andhra Pradesh, other wise you will be admitted in management quota.
Sundaram Kumar
Adv. Subhadeep Saha (Lawyer.) 18 October 2011
it depends upon the college/university in which you are seeking admission. there are many law colleges in India which do not conduct any entrance test for admission & take students only on the basis of HSC or graduation marks.
Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always) 29 October 2011
Law institutes, especially those that have come up in recent years have common entrance exam on the lines of IIT, CAT etc and their courses are for 4 years!
Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always) 30 October 2011
Having gone through several counselling sessions, it is pertinent to caution on some aspects:
1. Course is not everything.
2. Let alone a desired job, course may, but most often not fetch you any job at all.
3. Do not invest your everything to acquire degree.
4. Do not get out of family, familial livelihood etc for sake of degree or afterwards.
5. Do not hypothecate your everything to any lecturer (yet another employee) under any circumstance. GURUs of the erstwhile society have all been murdered by the current generation that has taken over.
6. Do not think that a degree from a particular college/u'ty is the correct option for this, this, this goal. ALSO, do not think that a degree from some other college/u'ty will not be able get you that goal.
7. Degree is nothing more than a fundamental structure and the fundamental structure is not anything beyond what it is. It is YOU, YOUR personality, YOUR professional reputation, God's grace that will matter.
8. Being able to wear a pant, listen to a drum beat is not the same as being able to earn one's livelihood.
9. governMINT pErmanents are the MOST corrupt and they have succeeded only because of that. They stabbed someone somewhere at some point of time or other. They will use you as a pawn. Society of the day, until changed by a social reformer will remain the same and you will have to interact, go through governMINT processes at many stages and it could perhaps be a daily affair also. So, be a strong personality, a personality of your own make, brand.
10. Do not build any castle around any course. You should work to find what should be done next, after, after that etc ALWAYS.