Hi Sir, I have taken loan (10 lakhs) from different (AXIS,ICICI,HDB) banks to pay for settlement issue and same loan amount deposited in joint account (Elders) . But settlement is not happening and opposite party is showing interest in settlement but amount is simply sitting in Joint account and am paying EMI'S every month. Now joint account holders is not giving money and not resolving the issues.I have issued legal notice to joint account holders but there is no reply from joint account holders. am unable to pay court fees to file cilvil suit on them.Now am not able to pay EMI's and its heavy burden to me. 1) Is it possible to link joint account amount to my EMI's and loans if so what would be the procedure? 2) Do I need to get any permission from joint account holders? because joint account holders not at all cooperating to withdraw money.Operations mentioned jointly to withdraw that money. I have to pay every month EMI's if not they will deposit my blank checks. am in full of scared tension . Please advise. Thanks