Look you do not state all details as if you say that you may have lost it when traveling around one year back no police officer will take complaint.
in this case what you may do but before that approach any local advocate in your area and confirm following:
1) report it as you have lost somewhere in town you reside currently.
2) for that you may if local advocate thinks fit give an add in a newspaper that you have lost your original passport in certain area if any body finds you will pay some amount as help received.
it will be better if you can give an add as you have lost your passport in a certain area for that you have to execute an affidavit stating that you have lost your original pasport while you where going to certain area.
after giving an add after one week you may approach local police station and as per your affidavit and an add newspaper will issue FIR or an certificate that you have lost your passsport no. if possible provide xerox copy if available.