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Love and Marriage



You have made a lot of discussion about my Case.....

I want to provide detailed Information to all of you can know each and every thing in better manner...

1. I am an Engineering Graduate from National Institute of Technology - Allahabad in Computer

Science & Engineering.

So I have no problem regarding JOB & Money. Because I have many options in Engineering collage

as a Lecturer .

2. She ( Geet ) is Postgraduate in SANSKRAT and now She is doing her B.ed .

3. Right now I am preparing for IAS in Delhi .

My Problem:


We belong to Uttar Pradesh . We (Both ) are Hindu (Cast is also same )  and 24 & 22 Years old .

We want to marry in Delhi without waiting for a single moment . We want to avoid any FIR in our

Home Police Station which may be made by Her Parents . Because FIR can make trouble for

My Parents . So Provide me The Best Way to avoid such type of Problems . 


So put some The Best Way which give me  legal certificate . Give the name of some

Temples ( Arya Samaj / Akshar Dham etc What ever is the Best ) which   are performing such

type of Marriage certificate . Also tell me legality of Arya Samaj Temple Marriage .


If are performing First Marriage in Temple the Going for Registration then How many days will

require to get Marriage Certificate from Registrar's Office. 

Put the Best way Keeping in mind about FIR.

Please Help Me

 1 Replies

sangram (service)     27 November 2010

Dear Raj,

U can intimate police station about ur marriage with written consent of your future wife. so that though parents of her want to file FIR they can not. Prefer court marriage. the procedure may be differ for UP or Delhi. the benifit of Court marriage is u can get certificate immediatly as a proof.

See FIR can be filed for any purpose. So dont afraid of that, up to that limit when you are not doing some wrong things.  



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