Can we decide & come to a conclusion in India, there is no respect for the parents, if so what is the need of the relationships, parental care, family traditions, Customs, hereditary, this & that? Why? many are following the religious customs, methods, rules & control. Usually it is said, once a young become an adult, they can do anything, what ever they like without any control. Even no question of family bindings or anyones guidance. Why? we see & coming accross, now a days, a parent is killing the children, because for spoiling the name & the respect of that family. The Young is killing the parent as for not allowing them to do what they like. What makes it to act like this? why this tendency is much higher than the early years. Who is reponsible for this? Is this the reality of the peaceful life? Is it the socialness? Whom to blame for this? Not to understand, what is the real family? Can anyone define it? Explain the responsibilities of the family members? who are the family members? The Forum must discuss it very briefly with the priority, for setting the minds. Please....! Please.....!!