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himanshu (22)     11 May 2012

Love marrige with second cousin

hello sir
   i love a girl and wanna marry her but she is grand daughter (नातिन) of my grand mother's brother. according to our parents its a very close relation ship, but we dont think so. love each other too much and cant leave without each other. her mother beat her today. please tell me could i marry her or is it illigel. please help me. her mother tell me that she will kill her also if they tried to arrest her in there home could i complaint against them?


 2 Replies

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     11 May 2012

girl is daughter of you mother's brother so you can marry her

Sanjay Mehta, Advocate (Advocate)     13 May 2012

Hello dear,

marriage is some thing larger than love, at certain age, you might get attracted, it may be physical, issue of marriages are dealt differently, in muslim it is allowed with cousin, in some community it is allowed with close relative within certain degree, it is prohibitited within close relatives, in certain community, love also means to sacrifice, there must be custom to make it legal, if it is prohibited in your community or it is not done or there are no such instances, then please follow your brain than heart, the consequences could be anything, your children may not get spouses, or the society may not accept your marriage, legally speaking you can get married, if you dont fall in the prohibited degrees, or there are costums to this effect. your parents and elders know what is right for you, just dont jump the gun and then repent, it is an issue requires considerable deliberations, think twice then act.

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