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Sanjay (NA)     27 April 2014

Luggage lost from railways cloak room

Dear Members,

I had a train to catch from New Delhi at 23:30 pm on 24th Apr'14. I reached Delhi from another train in the morning and since I had almost 12 hours in between, i decided to keep the 2 bags at the Cloak Room at platform number 16. I filled up the form and mentioned required details before submitting the luggage.
At 11 pm, when I went to collect the luggage, I found that 1 bag was missing. The bag, duly locked, contained a few clothes, a laptop, its charger, 2 mobile chargers, 3 pen drives, a small pouch bag, sony walkman, a towel, a book and a diary. I raised the issue with the staff there and they seemed least bothered about it. I asked them to give me the complaint register so that I could register my complaint but they did not provide me any such register.
They asked me to come back after a few days to inquire about the bag. I asked them to give me the receipt with a mention of the fact that 1 bag was not handed over to me. The staff there was not even willing to do so. They asked me to hand over the other back to them if I wanted the receipt and then come back after few days, which was as ridiculous as it could have got.
Frustrated, and almost on the verge of missing my train. I gave them the receipt and collected 1 bag which was there. I wrote on the receipt that I have only received 1 bag and another bag was missing. It had a number 5422/2 written on it, which means that the bag which went missing had 5422/1 written on it. As far as I know, the receipt number is mentioned on the bags.
I live in Hyderabad and do not visit Delhi very frequently. I want to know, whether I have a legal recourse available to claim rightful compensation for the lost bag, even if the receipt is not in my possession? The receipt is with the cloak room people with a hand written note from me, clearly mentioning that I have not been handed over 1 of the 2 bags that I deposited. If yes, the I would be obliged if you can guide me about how to take it ahead.
The issue for me is not just of a lost bag, but the fact that there is such apathy from the cloak room staff, despite the fact that the bag was lost from their possession.
Thanks and Regards,

 1 Replies

Shivesh Sinha (Legal Adviser)     29 April 2014

Dear Sanjay,

I have perused your message being posted at this Forum seeking there by  that you would be obliged if  some one can guide you about how to take ahead pertaining to your lost article (Bag) at the end of Cloak Room at Delhi.

Said incident is of 24th April'2014 and hence not much delay is caused for lodging an FIR at the end of Hyderabad GRP describing your all details with specific quote of the Receipt No. 5422/2, being submitted to the then officials of the Cloak Room.while taking back yours only one bag at the verge of catching the train for your next scheduled journey.

Accordingly you are advised to lodge immediately an FIR, which is named as Zero FIR in Railway thefts/missing article/luggage and ask the Officer-in-charge of the GRP Hyderabad to get it registered and give you a copy of the same to you.

And on denial of accepting your FIR by said GRP, Hyderabad, You should send immediately the same by Regd. Post to the Joint Commissioner of Police, New Delhi, namely Mr. Mukesh Meena stating further thereby said denial for the reason of sending it to him.

In above context, you are advised to go through the post of my BLOG on "" by linking :

Further, you are advised to generate a Complaint on referred website : "" which is providing Legal Advise/solution to alike cases. You must preserve the PNR No. of your ticket (s), traveling thereby.

Please note that You are the Consumer of Railways by virtue of holding PNR as well Receipt Number of its Cloak Room and on being sued the Railways in the Consumer Court at your end, you would be suitably Compensated in lieu of the sustained loss along with your mental agonies etc., being caused to you by such scenario.

In above regard, again, I would advise you to read the another post on BLOG of "" by linking :

Please act immediately, as advised and further feel free to approach me for my further advise to take due step pertaining to the matter.

Visit and be empowered with Consumer Rights. The said website stands for your cause.



Advocate Cum Legal Adviser to

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