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Suresh (Owner)     27 December 2009

Maharashtra Co-op housing society Act

I am one of the two registered nominees as his sons of our late father, with a co-op society to a plot of land owned by him.We both brothers have submitted jointly application for membership & transfer of shares to the society.Is there the risk of society admitting only one of us as a member & transfering shares to only one person?.

 29 Replies

Anil Agrawal (Retired)     27 December 2009

 If it is a valid nomination, the society itself should have the record of the nomination and act accordingly. One of you will be the member and the other associate member. What has the society done so far? Under which byelaws are you governed?

Suresh (Owner)     27 December 2009

Dear Mr.Agarwal,Thanks a lot for your prompt response.

The society has registered record of both of us as the nominees.The society while agreeing to transfer the shraes in our names, told us that they would enroll both of us as Associate members, but  only after we have paid the receivables form our dad regarding the development charges.We have now jointly paid the pending amount including the late fee at 18%.Now the original share certificate & our separate mebership applications are with the society since 23/11/2009.We are awaiting their further reply.

Please guide me as to how long we should wait, before we initiate further action.

With best wishes,


Suresh (Owner)     27 December 2009

Dear Mr.Agarwal,

P.S.- Regarding the bye-laws the society under question is governed by MH Society Act 1960-Section 2(16) & 1961 Rule 10,in effect since 24/10/1994.

Thanks again,


Anil Agrawal (Retired)     27 December 2009

 There is no provision to make both of you Associate Members. Yes, you have to clear the pending dues, with interest if any, of your late father. The share certificate has to be transferred to the names of both of you as per nomination form. Society has no other choice. If it behaves otherwise, approach the Registrar (a corrupt office).

Suresh (Owner)     28 December 2009

Dear Mr.Agarwal,

Thanks a lot for your valuable inputs.

This will surely enable me to take the right steps in the matter.


V. VASUDEVAN (LEGAL COUNSEL)     03 January 2010

 Dear Suresh

I would like add a critical clarification to what Mr. Agarwal has opined. Being the joint-nominees, both of you are entitled to get the share certificates issued in the joint-names and also your names jointly as Members. There is quite a distinction between a Joint-member and associate Member. Joint-members hold joint, undivided rights and hence please ensure this is done.


Suresh (Owner)     04 January 2010

Dear Mr.Vasudevan,

Thanks a lot for your input.I'll certainly bear in mind the valuable input given by you.


Bharat Batham (Manager Quality)     04 January 2010

 Hi i am new to the forum

Builder is asking for 2 lakhs as society transfer fees as i am selling my flat. 

Society is not formed. Building is maintained by builder.

I occupied this flat in March 2007. What can i do.

Anil Agrawal (Retired)     04 January 2010

 Mr. Batham

Form an Association of residents and move the Consumer Court. Builder is bound to form a CHS within six months of handing over possession.

Contact a lawyer. Recently consumer court fined Rs.50000 to a builder for not forming a CHS.

If you don't move, and since it is not a regd CHS, the Cooperative Societies Act/Rules/byelaws are not applicable and builder will continue to fleece new buyers.

Suresh (Owner)     05 February 2010

Dear Mr. Agarwal & Mr.Vasudevan, 

I am taking the earlier string of discussion to inform you about the further developments in the matter.
The society has added the names jointly for me & my brother in the original share certificate held by our deceased father. The society further wants to do Lease agreement with us through its own advocate. They have suggested that they would handle the entire procedure of drafting, stamp duty franking & Registration fee & have asked us to hand over the amount to them. They have however indicated that the governmental receipts  for payment of Stamp duty & registration charges will be given only in my elder brother’s name, though the main body of the agreement will have my name also.
I have following doubts before I proceed further,
1)      Is there a need to get a fresh share certificate issued?
2)      Can I insist that my name also appears in all government receipts? Is there any risk, if only one name is included? I feel that at least the Index II should have both the names.
3)      What points need to be verified before signing the agreement, to ensure that there is no legal complication arising out of legacy at a later date?
An early guidance will be highly appreciated.
Thanking you for the inputs so far given & with best regards,

Suresh (Owner)     07 February 2010


Dear Mr.Agarwal & Mr.Vasudevan,

The society has scheduled the visit to the Registar's office on the Monday or Wednesday.May I therefore request you to give the guidelines on the points raised by me in my last posting, latest by today evening?

It will be a big help!



V. VASUDEVAN (LEGAL COUNSEL)     07 February 2010

 Dear Mr. Suresh, I could not respond earlier due to certain pre-occupations. Once the share certificate is endorsed with the names of the nominees, the transfer (by way of transmission) is complete. There is no further needs to be done except that the Register of Members should be updated with the above transaction to reflect the nominees - in this case youself and your brother as registered members of the society. Probably your society does not understand this process. Please request that you accompany them to Registrar. The Registrar certainly is the competent authority and would clarify the above legal position. Please note specifically that there is NO NEED for any further registration and do not incur any expenses. Even the transfer fee applicable when the ownership of a Flat is transferred does not apply to the present case.


Suresh (Owner)     07 February 2010

Dear Mr.Vasudevan,

Thank you for your prompt response.

I wish to clarify as under,

1) The property under question is a plot of land , in a housing society under development.

2) Having completd the transfer of shares, the society now has offered to do a Lease agrrement, since some other litigation with Govt.etc has been won by the society.

All my questions are related to the legal procedure for this proposed Lease Agreement.

Kindly therfore guide me accordingly in that perspective.



Suresh (Owner)     12 February 2010


Though I am fully aware of your busy schedules, may I request for any early guidance on the various points raised in my last despatch?

I'll appreciate it very much.



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