1. Recently there was a judgement of Supreme Court that the Builder can not claim the money taken on account of Society Formation and MSEB Electricty Meter Deposite and he should refund the same to the Society/Buyer after deducting the actual expenses incured by the builder on the formation of Society and getting MSEB Meter. Can I get the eaxct Citation please?
2. Does Builder have right ot Sale Covered Parking Area? if yes under what provision and what is the percentage of covered parking arear which he must keep for the purpose of Common Parking and Visitor Parking.
3. Does Builder have right ot Sell Open Parking Slots? if Yes under what provision and If no what is the case law/ provision.
4. Can builder sell open space of the scheme as garden to the individual Flat Purchasers? if no, what is the provision? Case Law? what is the remedy available agaist it?