Wife left after 7 years of marriage as her pic got caught with other men. She left with 2 kids after 6 months sent notice for amicable solution and asked for home as well as money.Few points are mentioned below
1)She is B.Com
2)Her incomex-tax return for past 3 years where avg monthly income is arnd 15000.She was on paper acting as consultant and TDS certificate is also there for same in her name and she is also having some interst expense of around 5000 per month from capital which is with one of her uncles firm so total around 20,000 per month income on paper in her name.
3)Take home salary net of tax around 75000 but there are lots of expense as such i stay as tenant in parents home paying House rent by cheque since last 6 years monthly around 20000 per month.
4)Contribution Per month for LIC for wife , kids etc around 10000 per month.
5)Mediclain arnd 1200 Rs per month.
6)Food and other expense say now around 5000 per month.
7)Misc Expense 2000 per month
8)Residual in hand around 36000.
so what is maximum maintanance that can be granted to her and for kids as well if she file under HMA or 125 crpc??