Expert views required,
Grownup children (16 Female and 13 Male) with husband (aged 40 years) and supports husband and won child custody case.
Wife walked out of matrimonial home along with her parents (5 years back) a letter issued by her father is an evident for this (letter written with other proofless allegations). Efforts taken for re-union failed. Husbands divorce case in progress on mental cruelty and dissertion of matrimonial home, wife (educated and unemployed now-- aged 44 years) at present is supported by her father and brothers.
Wife is claiming for maintenance and huge sum. husband refuses to pay any maintenance citing future life of children on education , marriage etc.,
Kindly clarify how the law will take a view on claim of maintenace by wife in this situation what precautions husband should take ( no big property in husbands name)