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Ghadiyaram V Balakrishna   01 December 2018

Maintenance Case

Thank you all for your kind reply without Knowing abt my Real Life Story.....
Kindly Read and do justice.....
I am Orthopedically Handicapped 66% and I got married in 2004. I used to get Rs.15000 in a private company. I could able to maintain by preforming Puja programmes outside homes. I am in debt of Rs 10 Lacs. I spent Rs6 Lacs for my Wife during her pre mature Delivery process. I lost my job in the month of Jan 2018 due to company reasons. My wife left home in March 2018 and filed MC and 498A. I am asked to pay Rs.12000 as interim maintenance for wife and 3 minor children. I filed a petition in High court expressing my in ability to pay the amount. The Honourable HC reduced the amount to Rs.10000. I am now working as Local cable TV News Reader for Rs.4500 PM.....i have produced salary certificate....What to do now....I am not in a position to pay that amount...........G V BALAKRISHNA, Guntur AP

 4 Replies

NSV VARA PRASAD   01 December 2018

Please approach the Supreme Court.

Shashi Dhara   01 December 2018

Sorry after hearing Ur story.any how ever it is very bad. U again submit to high court about Ur condition &disability of Ur earningfor revision.the court may pity u and reduce maintenance.if Ur children attained majority they will loose their right of maintenance.they file execution for arrears if u did not pay maintenance . The case comes to evidence she shud have to produce that u r eligible to pay that amount .at the time of Ur evidence u submit the salary certificate and Ur handicapped disability.. If they file execution u pay little little amount I.e. Rs25000 u pay 1000. 500.600 400go one. It takes decades to finish.yrs passes Ur children become major.after that u file petition against Ur children for maintenance .

Kumar Doab (FIN)     01 December 2018

The court looks into estate, property of spouse while deciding maintennance. The applicant can declare truthfully income, estate, and liabilities. The courts have rendered decisions that set the precedences for deciding maintenance. Treatment of spouse, paying debts are responsibility of concerned spouse/borrower. The court may/may not look into such instances compassionately while deciding maintenance. You may go thru Article under my profile and pick up relevant points; “Trial Court should Consider Responsibility of Husband towards Aged Parents also while deciding Maintenance for Wife!” IT is strange that court has allowed payout more than the limits set by precedence's.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     01 December 2018


If you are unable to resolve on your own then; You may take help for any matter from, elders of your family, competent and experienced well wishers, seasoned PIP’s, helpgroups, community leaders, NGO’s, experienced colleagues, associations, religious scholars/leaders, influential persons, Employee’s/Trade union leaders, help groups for spouses (Husband/wife)  etc and  find a very able LOCAL counsel specializing in concerned filed of law e.g; Family/Civil  matters as in your case, and well versed with LOCAL applicable rules, precedence, latest judgments etc …. and worth his/her salt, can advise you after examining all case related docs, inputs,  evidences on record.

Obtain proper legal opinion in writing!

Avoid acting on your own on hearsay.

One should not fall for IT’s and entities loitering at online portals to allure unsuspecting querists. There are many threads on such instances at LCI also.

Online discussions are not substitute to in person discussions with a very able counsel of unshakable repute and integrity specializing in concerned field of law.

There are such very able counsels at each location.

Check for such counsels at LOCAL; Family/Civil  Courts, HC, SC,..

You can also try for FREE legal Aid from Legal aid center (DLSA) that is usually within LOCAL courts complex..preferably from a very able counsel specializing in Family/Civil    matters.

Your counsels  may opine that you can appear on 1st date, and obtain copies of petition etc to reply later ….and inform the court that you shall be engaging a counsel and appear thru your counsel….Or your counsel can appear and obtain copies of petition etc and reply later or your new counsel can appear for you.

Your counsels can advise after examining all docs/record/inputs pertaining to your matter and help you. You can also search threads on similar query in SEARCH option ON left Hand side of threads in Forum/Experts section. Having learnt a lesson, remember to consult beforehand for your matters or any matter about which you are not properly informed.


The FEE of all LOCAL counsels at all LOCATIONS is not high/unreasonable as mis-believed by many.

Many counsels even at State Capital/Metro towns  do not demand unreasonable high FEE.

IT is rather at online portals that unsuspecting querists are mislead as per many publications, by IT’s and Entities that pose as some Lawyer (actually LIAR) and flaunt/advertise firms that are not Law Firms (Actually LIAR’s Firms) to believe that LOCAL counsels are not knowledgeable..are incompetent.

In Reality the LOCAL counsels win cases in LOCAL courts at all LOCATIONS.

You can go thru/search the cases contested by any Lawyer at court website.


Your own LOCAL counsel is to help you and fetch relief from courts.

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