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Senthil kumar (Recruitment)     21 September 2013

Maintenance case

Hi Friends,


Recently my wife filed a false dowry harrassment  case and proved to wrong, on further counselling  on personal issues in the police station we both said we are not interested to re-join.


We may go for divorce.

In that case if my wife asks for maintenance,what could be the amount?


I dont want to give maintenance to her since she defamed my image among friends,police station,neighbours and well wishers and projected a wrong image about me.


now i cant prove with everybody that i am innocent although the dowry harrassment proved to be wrong.

if in case i dont want to give maintenance what are steps i need to take and what supporting documents i should produce.


I already discussed with my lawyer, he said , the maintenance will be 1/3 of my salary.


Kindly advice, i dont want to give any single penny to my cruel wife.



Senthil kumar.G



 1 Replies

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     21 September 2013

If your wife is not having any source of income and unable to maintain herself, you are liable to maintain her wether you live with her or not.  The quantum of maintenance amount will be decided on the basis of she proving your income.  Let she file the petition for maintenance and see what documents she files in her support, contest them properly, may be you will get some relief.

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