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ram (none)     17 July 2013

Maintenance issue

My spouse had applied for interim maintenance however she doesn't want to live with me at all. I've filed an RCR also. she is threatening that she has some data to prove that i've done cruelty. the only thing that i remember is that I shouted at her once.. she may have recorded thats the only worry i have. 

My spouse is MBA and currenlty working for software company as an HR and earningh 80k permonth however she denies that she is working. however i have her previous organization where she worked before my kids delivery and the salary slip shows that she was earning 31000/- per month.

My spouse had put a case on september 2011 and after that i had been paying money to her monthly 50k to take care of home, she had taken all the money, i gave around 7 lakhs to invest on son's name through NEFT transfer however she denies everything.

I don't want to pay any maintenance or alimony as i'm not asking for divorce.,she only wants divorce.. 


1. If cruelty provide do i need to pay maintenance,even though she is working and earning good salary?

2. Does the old salary proof enough to prove that she is capable to work 





 4 Replies

Originally posted by : ram

My spouse had applied for interim maintenance however she doesn't want to live with me at all. I've filed an RCR also. she is threatening that she has some data to prove that i've done cruelty. the only thing that i remember is that I shouted at her once.. she may have recorded thats the only worry i have. 

My spouse is MBA and currenlty working for software company as an HR and earningh 80k permonth however she denies that she is working. however i have her previous organization where she worked before my kids delivery and the salary slip shows that she was earning 31000/- per month.

My spouse had put a case on september 2011 and after that i had been paying money to her monthly 50k to take care of home, she had taken all the money, i gave around 7 lakhs to invest on son's name through NEFT transfer however she denies everything.

I don't want to pay any maintenance or alimony as i'm not asking for divorce.,she only wants divorce.. 


1. If cruelty provide do i need to pay maintenance,even though she is working and earning good salary?
Physical curelty?  Your query is half half. Provide full details.  No maintenance to working wife.

2. Does the old salary proof enough to prove that she is capable to work 





ram (none)     17 July 2013

NO physical cruelty.. I shouted her only once. and she used to beat me.. I weigh only 50kgs.. she is heavier than me and she used beat using rolling pin (chapathi rotating device) i got all the beating and in return i slapped her and told her not to beat me..  she had done this intentionally.

shriks........... (healyhcare)     17 July 2013

agreed with need justice........
1. time for becoming a RAone   ........instead......

2. let her file flurry of cases she needs to prove in court everything......

3. long procedure.....takes years.....
4. eat bananas with milk and increase your weight, it also helps in stress management.......dont take it a joke i am serious....i had lost 12kgs in litigation stress and tension while wife continued to gain my lost 12kgs......

5. earn , spend, party and enjoy on yourself......if wives not following hindu rites according to HMA , its not mandatory for you to feed her with maintenance....

6. search for a vibhishana from their side and gather proofs..........victory is with you how you devastate their lanka.......for that you need energy......
remember bananas with milk........
7. now coming back to legalities.......she has to pray for maintenance for it to be granted so do not worry till cases start and orders granted .......theres always a way out.....

2BHelpfull (Other)     17 July 2013

2. Does the old salary proof enough to prove that she is capable to work



before deciding on  maintainance court will look into the earning capacity of both the party.

ur wife education Qualification ,past earning capacity all will be taken into consideration .


if u have not done any curelty then why r so worring.

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