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maintenance mockery by HC

Page no : 2


@ Shivani,

Que. 1 : As per you in this unknown Mumbai HC judgment that you referred to, tell readers did court didnot apply STATUS of wife in comparision to STATUS of joint family to increase trial Court award 8 fold ?

Que. 2: As per you in this unknown Mumbai HC judgment that you referred to, tell readers a business family when looks for a prospective DIl does not look into STATUS of prospective DIL family or they will marry of their son to a rikshaw class status FIL's daughter ?

Que. 3: in this unknown Mumbai HC judgment that you referred to, tell readers if 3 crores is joint family income then how much errant wife should have got leaving aside other "irrelevant comparision studies in family law post" of your godfather ?

Que. 4:
in this unknown Mumbai HC judgment that you referred to, tell readers, do you agree that there is one more Appeal left for errant wife in this case, i.e. before Hon'ble SC or not ?

If you like you may answer or else take a walk when two professionals are discussing errant wife maintenance issues.


@ Avnish,

Concerning Prabhakar to be above SC either he believes in below or does not like aam adami (people) comments whichever is true he is still above Hon'ble SC that is for sure; As Chief Justice of Madras High Court, he gave a landmark judgment, Rama Muthuramalingam v. Dy.S.P, AIR  2005
Madras 1, on the constitutional question of inter se relationship between the Judiciary, the Legislature and the Executive in which His Lordship emphasized on judicial restraint and the impropriety of the judiciary encroaching onto the legislative or executive domain.  His speech at the first anniversary of the Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court in which he said that the people have a right to criticize the judiciary as the people were supreme in a democracy, and all authorities including Judges were servants of the people, was hailed by Mr. Fali Nariman, the doyen of the bar, in a centre spread article in ‘Indian Express’. "

sivani (engineer)     22 August 2010

@swatirswartir,  you seem to be far away from reality and yourself are of medieval mindset and that is ofcourse due to your bias since your are the one giving maintenance.  Let's be objective for a moment, Tell me what you would have said if in todays world your father's income was Rs. 3 crores and your mother was the one asking maintenance to raise you.  Would you say that the Rs 2500/- the judge gave initially would have even bought one shirt that your father would have worn today.  Also you saying again and again it is not so in the urban women is far from reality.  Earning educated working women are beaten up and abused everyday.  It is only now that slowly they are opening up and coming out and speaking up.

Renuka Gupta ( Gender Researcher )     22 August 2010


Yes, Sivani, I agree with you. And women's speaking up and opening up is frustrating and irritating many a men, how come a wife asking for maintenance.  Even if she is not working or working but not earning enough, earning but not earning regularly due to several reason, may be health, may be the growing children demand more attention, some men would bend backward to prove wives have sufficient means and hence husbands should go scot- free! 

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Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     22 August 2010

For some marraige, divorce, children are fun. No rewsposibility, no accountability, no sensibility. And are arguing rubbishlly and Shamelesslly.

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I have seen a pattern in your replies and thus need to bring it out to  you .... whatever be topic you retort by saying that ... if this situation is applicable to your  blood relative ( father/sister/mother) will you be ok?

What makes you think that the person will not.  You may be hypocrat, that does not mean everybody else are.  Next time when you get an urge to write such question..... assume the person in replying by  shouting  ... YES, YES, YES in your earns.  

Now Comming to case in question  ....,  what information you have about the case?... what is the education level of this girl in question?  how much she is able to make if she starts working? Why your think she will not be able to live in what is her worth.?

Out of the total income (Rs 3 crores)stated how much is of ex husband?.. And as Anup Ji asked in other furum. What is your answer to  

Why maintenance?

Why Woman should get it from husband and not government?

Why it should  be based on income of husband?

Why she don't earn her own living is she incapable? not physically able?

Why allow free RIDING?

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Renuka Gupta ( Gender Researcher )     22 August 2010

Many times it has been answered in some other threads why maintenance. All questions from Arup ji is answered in the threads which has discussed why maintenance is a question of entitlement and right rather than charity. Please refer to the relevant threads. 


sivani (engineer)     22 August 2010

As you have said there is no point answering them because even after answering in so many threads all they do is like a 'parrot' ask the same questions or remain with the same thinking. 


IF BOY IS UNEMPLoYED AND COUrt orders this kind on maintenance it is gross injustice. i dont have case details under which section and wat were exact gronuds. but if boy is unemployed his father cannot be asked to maintain DIL.

tortured_aathma (none)     22 August 2010

in this century if women wants to be dependent like a pest on men then they r nothing more than a bhoj on dharti and they shld not have taken birth (i am saying this for women whose needs r so bigger that cannot be filled even if they get universe).

  shivani and renuka tell me why woman who r qualified shld get even a single penny from husband. if they are r not willing to earn for their bread and butter the best thing for them is to stand on GB road with a beggar's katrori as only that can fulfill needs of those greedy woman who want to eat someone else hard earn money and wants to just break chairs/nbeds and keep increasing their size

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Renuka Gupta ( Gender Researcher )     22 August 2010

Why maintennace rather compensation has already been answered in the past threads. If you really want to know why in our opinion, it is an entitlement and not a charity, please do refer to those particular threads. Do not want to repeat the same things again and again!



sivani ji i m neither paying maintenance nor wud i ever pay maintenance. i had the fortune to go thru over 500 hc/sc citations on maintenance and u cant take maintenance from i m not the giver. my job is in jeopardy beacuse of recession and i plan to get mainteannce from her as sson as i loose my job. now u will say why do u asking her. because i have no other option, women can earn by a lot of means , including the ones suggested above by aatma but men can do it by hard work only.

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tortured_aathma (none)     22 August 2010

renuka do u mean to say wifes are prostitutes and shld get  compensation for sleeping with husband when married?

Renuka Gupta ( Gender Researcher )     22 August 2010

It is beneath my dignity to reply to you. 

If you have read the threads, you know my stand. 




@ Renuka,

Atleast to me if a errant wife asks compensation it does not bother me so take me off the so called list you all are keeping on must watch list........ ha ha

Simple reasons being that whatever her status is from the date of mariage and what my status from same date of mariage - will be vehimenly asked by both sides to look into either at trial Court level and/or if she is not satisfied at lower Court level then at HC and/or still if she has capacity then at SC level i will never stop any of such Newton's Third Law of Motion - now if she gets or not gets either way I am a "watermelon - kaddu" so it really does bother me to save my back with minimum damage and for that I will vehimently apply Mimansa Rules of Interpretation and it shows in various maint. / alimony related posts of mine if you are at same wavelength as mine to understand this oldest Rules of Interpretation of our Bharat mahan ! 

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