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Manmohan Singh has no moral rights on policy matters as PM

A plastic doll who has been projected on a democratic post against democratic principles has no moral rights to comment on the Court of the democratic nation stating that "The court should not interfere in policy matters". He himself is a pensioner ex. public servant and nowhere democratically elected by the people and a paid servant has no status to interfere in the decision of the court of the democratic nation. His mind & thinking is yet of a bureaucrat who cannot think the welfare of the people of a democratic nation. His view that the wheat under wastage in the possession of the government is batter to sale to liquor companies instead distributing to the BPL people. I can understand his ability to think that it is beyond his capacity to understand that none has rights to grab under custody the natural resources to let it be waste but the needy people have rights to get it at free of cost in that case. If the Rajiv Gandhi would have been alive he would have kicked out this projected bureaucrat. But Soniya and Rahul has no option since they are surrounded with such people all over. So the people have to aware their rights using the information system extended by Rajiv Gandhi as he has extended the information revaluation when he was the most powerful PM with the record majority and shown courage to say that 85% money is going in the pocket of mediator public servants and their agents and only 15% is reaching to the ground out of every 100 rupees given by the government for public interest. Is not that, the Manmohan Singh and his colleague ministers like cricketer businessman Sharad Pawar working against the policy of Rajiv Gandhi? The congress diplomats are exploiting the image of Nehru-Gandhi family which is only one family which has sacrifies the lives and Soniya & Rahul are forced to live their life under bondage of huge security. This is the policy thinking which Manmohan Singh is teaching to the court.

 7 Replies


Ram ji, The Supreme Courts decision that the Grains be distributed to the needy free of cost, is a very humane decision.

Sharad Pawar or our PM had shown a very bad gesture.

Let the food get rotten but it should not go into the mouths of the hungry people of my Great Grand country--this is the only secret agenda of my Great leaders.

What a pity !!!

venkatkrishna (AGM)     07 September 2010

Dear Members,

This is our  great Nation.  These are our great  National Politicians.  They know only one language and have only one habit. that is  how to save their Power  and how to  enrich  more and more.   No pinch of humanity in their blood.   Our country  is not prospering  but  surely we can say  our politicians are prospering  every minute, every day, every year and in every election.  There is no stop.  

They came out openly  and  pointing  supreme court also  not  to show any humanity.  Let the  food  rotten but they wont allow  to give to poor.   I don’t know  whether  food is becoming rotten  in godown or not but our great stinking leaders  already rotten. We have no option  except to live in this  country ruled by our great nasty leaders.  We cannot  expect  INDIA is  great.   Yes India  is great  for these excellent  leaders.  If  our leaders became  owners of  the  world,  still  they  never  satisfy and  their thrust, desire, ambition  cannot be full filled.  Sorry members  for my  writing.



Please see the following link;


Manmohan Singh is a plastic doll of congress laid syndicate who are working on one line agenda of loot of public money and "KILL THE POOR" so there will be no poverty and this is the "GAREEBEE HATAO PROGRAMME" on which they all are working.  So how to kill the poor people?  They are very smart, kept the grains to be rotten in their custody and looted their money too.  By this way they are killing the mass people without any charge of murder.  



Why our Ld. Members of LCI are keeping quite?? Why???


Why not filing the criminal case on Sharad Pawar and Manmohan Singh for mass murder ??? Why ??? Why ??? WHY WHY WHY ?????????????

1 Like



Why our Ld. Members of LCI are keeping quite?? Why???


Why not filing the criminal case on Sharad Pawar and Manmohan Singh for mass murder ??? Why ??? Why ??? WHY WHY WHY ?????????????

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     09 September 2010


Any good work takes time. Their attitude is being well noted by the hon. citizen of this country, and creating ripple among the literal circle. Very soon they will learn lessons.

When SMS was head of planning commission then Rajiv Gandhi had called them a bunch of jokers, unfortunately the head of bunch of jokers has become PM.

Rahul is immature, far away from reality. I do not see any hope on him.

This is the outcome of Party system, only neutral person will elected as PM.

Better we should demand for direct election of PM and CMs.

Democratic Indian (n/a)     09 September 2010

I quote the incident that ignited the French Revolution. People gathered in front of the palace of King in Paris demanding bread. The Queen Marie-Antoinette came out in balcony and shouted "If you don't have breads to eat, go eat cakes" Something similarly irresponsible has been utterred by SMS and other politicians. They can allow food to rot but cannot allow it to be distributed freely. This is exactly the way any government behaves when it has no fear of people. This is the exact reason why RKBA is clearly guaranteed to American people and Indian leaders also promised the same to us before independence but cleverly bypassed it after they became the rulers. Are you able to see the game and the results of the game before us?

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." - Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

What is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them. Slaves we have become to this fearless system. The system is fearless as we pose no threat to the system. The bereaucrats have Constitutional protection even from getting a case filled against them. The system can carry on the corruption shamelessly as sufferring people cannot punish them by any means.

"The only good bureaucrat is one with a pistol at his head. Put it in his hand and it's good-by to the Bill of Rights." - H.L. Mencken

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