Sanctity,virginity has no connection with marital rape. Marital rape can NOT be same as other rapes. In other rapes sanctity,virginity are important factors. But a woman is likely to loose her virginity with her husband. Sanctity also can NOT be harmed after having s*x with husband. So sanctity,virginity have no connection with marital rape. In other rapes there are mental harassment. But in marital rape there can not be any mental harassment because marriage is a license for s*x. So spouse should be mentally prepare enough to have s*x with her partner.
Only the punishment can be on the ground of physical injury. But no physical injury or little physical injury should NOT be considered as marital rape because--- 1)even in consent s*x there can be little injury. 2) In marital relation husband and wife shares same room , same bed . Sexual attraction towards wife is natural. Sometimes men may not control his emotion due to strong s*xual attraction towards wife which is very natural. So marital rape with no physical injury or little physical injury should be forgiven.
But if the physical injury is very big or if it is very huge amount of physical injury then the husband should be punished. But the term "RAPE" should not be used. The term "violence" should be used if the physical injury is very big or if it is very huge amount of physical injury . Marital rape can NOT be same as other rapes.
MARITAL RAPE LAW IS COMING IN INDIA. But law makers should remember the above points before making the law.