Hi.. My name is Khidir and im muslim. Im from Kolkata. My girlfrnd is hindu. I want to marry her. She is saying to do court marraige. Wht should we have to do..
Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/ nadeemqureshi1@gmail.com) 27 August 2013
if both of you are major then you can get marry as per Special Marriage act
Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer) 27 August 2013
You will have to marry under The Special Marriages Act. It is done in the office of the sub-registrar of assurances. Go to the nearest sub-registrar's office and they will guide you. Neither of you will change your religion.
Khidr (Student) 27 August 2013
Ya we both want 2 marry but parents are not accpeting it. What should we do to change religion and name.. Thanks for the replies..
Khidr (Student) 27 August 2013
Thanks 4 the reply..
prashant (team manager) 28 August 2013
yes she is telling right u go to ur district court full fill ur document and get married
Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer) 31 August 2013
@ Khidr: If she wants to become Muslim you may know the procedure. You may have to contact Muslim clergy.
If you want to become a Hindu you can go to Arya Samaj and get converted. She also will have get converted to Arya Samaj. Arya Samaj is a Hindu organisation and an Arya Samaji follows the Vedas and all Hindu laws are applicable to him/her. Arya Samaj will also perform your marriage and it is valid under the Arya Samaj Marriage Validation Act.
But in my opinion one should get converted to another religion only when one is convinced of the tenets of that religion and not for the sake of marriage. As I said earlier you can get married without either of you or she getting converted under the Special Marriages Act.
Before you are married, physical attraction will pull you towards each other. But religious customs and other practices will come in when you start living as husband and wife. Also life will be difficult when you get separated from your parents. It would be better that you persevere to convince your respective parents and then get married with their blessings.
Is she a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian? Does she eat beef? You clear up all these things before marriage.