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ananya (na)     21 March 2011



Am  Anu, i need a suggesssion regarding my sisters marriage. Here is the situation.

My sister was in love with a guy in her  college and registered married him in 2006. I am not sure was it a legal register office cause she is not sure about it. After the marriage that moved with another girl and he got married to her.. At present we are not aware where he is.. but my sister is sure that he left her as he married some other girl. The problem is, my familyis not aware of this. We have looked for an alliance formy sister and the marriage is nearing in the nxt 2 months. As she is moving abroad after marriage she has to register her marriage now. As she is already married will they verify those details. We dont know where that guy is or we cannot get divorce as non of our family members are aware of it.. 

The second marriage will be invalid only if the first marriage spouse would create a problem right..In register office will they verify if the bride or bridegroom is already married?...Please do give me a good solution. Her marriage is nearing and we are in a situation that we cannot find her previous husband or get divorce from him.


Thanks in advance,


 6 Replies

Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     21 March 2011

meet an expert advocate in person.

in india no such electronic database exists.

however this does not mean she can marry again without divorcing first man.

ananya (na)     21 March 2011

Thanks for your reply.. She married at tanjore.. but she says me that  they walked in with witnesses and married the same day.. she told me that there was no notice perdiod(30 days and all). so i  suspect that was it a government registration.  And more over she is not even one percent aware of that place. Probably i have to meet  an advocate an speak about this. But this should not interrupt her marriage cause almost all preparations are done... Are there private offices for register marriage?. Am really confused cause of her blunder...


Thanks in advance,



Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     21 March 2011

@ Author

I donot think your sister should get married this time !

1. I mean the two briefs are like some kind of joke you people are treating Hindu Marriage as to. One she is not aware whom she got married to in past (it shows the way you wrote first brief), then she is not aware where the hell he vanished into, further she is not even aware if he really got married to next girl and topping is that the family including you are not aware if your sister was really married to some one or not one point of time except she telling about some visit to some place for registration that also to you !!!!

2. Now this time when she is getting married off then you are seeking legal remedy just because all preparation of  second marriage are done and she has to go overseas soon after marriage. I mean this time she is marrying then moving in thin air I mean again taking marriage as a joke.  

Suggest to only meet ld. Advocate as a in-chamber discussion and come here when there is a real fact and people need legal remedy and not people who treat marriage as some kind of toy which your sister and you are doing.

There cannot be a legal answer to your two briefs.

As a sister you should first get her rights back from her first marriage and with clean record move ahaed this time.

Read your two briefs yourself then only write to me any rebuttal. 

ananya (na)     22 March 2011


I am married and have a kid, i really want to help my sister but i dont have any idea how o go with this issue further. I would like her to divorce her first husband and do second marriage legally. But i dont have any idea how to find her first husband. They are not in touch for four years and more.  So where can i approach to get the details of her first marriage...



Sushant Singh (Private Service)     22 March 2011

I feel sad for this guy your sister is going to marry, since you are starting off the marriage by bluffing him. Another male is going to bite the dust, I guess, he would be the next potential candidate for a 498A and DV. After marriage, he might know the truth and then your sister might wnat to file a DV and a 498A ... true .. right ... can you rule it out ? I just pity and feel sorry for the guy, he must be real happy and cuchi cooing with your sister right now, without knowing he has been defrauded already. Sorry for being harsh, but this is the truth isnt it, can you deny ??

Just wonder if your sister can take the shock, if he reaveals after marriage that he has already being married earlier or says sorry because he slept around earlier. the answer is a big NO right. ?

bechari dukhiaari, thats what all men in the judiciary will call her when she files a false 498A & DV case, and files for maintainace from a well paying US educated guy.

This guy is doomed !!!!!

ananya (na)     23 March 2011

Sir that was too harsh, as a sister i would not just let her get married again. I want her to divorce her first husband and only then i would let her do this marriage. I know thats the only safe method for her life long. After all she is a human and has done a mistake in her teen age.I cannot go back and change all those things but i can give a right path to proceed her life from now on.  The only information i want to know is whom should i contact or which office should i go to get her marriage details and get her previous husband's details so that they both can mutually divorce and she can legally come out from her first marriage.

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