Dear Sir/Madam,
Our marriage had been somomonized as per muslim law nd marriage certificate issued by Registered muslim kazi. The same certificate was issue for change in PAN card Application through UTIITS as support for my wife name change along with her Aadhaar card with name cheged afetr marraige and husbands residential address. the application was rejected as they are demanding for Govt. marriage certificate.
As per the Indian Muslim Marriage Act registration of the marriage is not compulsory. The Kazi who has performed the marriage can issue a “Nikahnama” which is a marriage certificate submitted as proof by a married women and even the nationalized banks accept the same as marriage certificate.
Government has not made any marriage registration mandatory it is optional for parties to register it or not.
Kindly send me govt marraige clause no. or rules for marriage done under muslim marriage act and certificate issued by kazi to bride is vaild. The honurable family court and supreme court had also accepted the marrige certificate performed by kazi.
Humble request for help.