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amrit kumar (job)     13 September 2016

Marriage dispute

i am husband. got married in apr 2016. my wife is working and earning 40000 . i am earning 60000 per month. we dont have any physical relation in this four month of marriage. wat kind of settlement should i choose either mutual or contest divorce because my wife wants 10 lakh for mutual divorce. my wife and her in laws are at a fault at evry point. wat should i do. plz guide

 15 Replies

amrit kumar (job)     13 September 2016

thanks @martin

she only lived 7 days with me. no talk at all. no physical relation at all. from last 3 months we have no contact , not even gave a single call to me or my parents wheras i call her daily many times bt she did not response to my calls .this can be proof through call detail .she refuse to came back and told me to shift to her place

 . how she can get maintains from me as she is working??

this is the clear fraud done by her nd her parents only to make money. i dont want to give my hard earn money to them. plz suggest if i can do something agianst them. 

Suri.Sravan Kumar (senior)     13 September 2016

Its too early to go for divorce.

Sachin (N.A)     13 September 2016

No contested divorce petition can be filed befor one year of marriage. You have to solve it mutually either mutual divorce or living together.

Mukesh sharma (job )     13 September 2016

Hi Amrit in your case you could not go for divorce on this stage coz its very earlya dn you have only 5 month of marriage so you could not got divorce here you have only good option talk with her family and try to solve this matter with family ground after one year you go for divorce 


A walk alone (-)     13 September 2016

Luckily one. If she agrees for MCD go ahead.10 lacs are not high after this you is getting freedom form headache forever. As she is not interested to live with you think if your wife file any case against you then you will spend money and time in court. And if you file contested divorce then it will also take 4-5 years. Money can be earn later but time never comes back. Go MCD pay one time alimony live happy. Forget faults you can't change past but you can make future happy

KS Johal   14 September 2016

Good advice by 'a walk alone'.

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     14 September 2016

Is Marriage a joke in Indian Society? Wants Divorce even before consumation of marriage, but payment, compensation and so on, despite being in position of maintaining herself. Marriage has become a Commercil hub in Indian society.

Nitish Banka (lawyer)     14 September 2016

Since ur wife is working she is not entitle to maintainence

whatnot   14 September 2016

Though a thread rift, Marriage itself has become legalising prostitution, atleast for $ex.


Separation invovles 2 things. Time and Money. The question that you need to answer is what is more important?. There is always third factor, which is doing the right thing irrespective of result.

If you feel you have been taken for a ride and seek justice, it will invovle time and you need wait for justice to be served.

If you think the incidence has teached a valuble lesson and move on, then pay and live the life. But you will always be sufferer as right resolution was not accepted.

If the marriage has not been consumated and you're a victim of a swindling, then fight.

Even if marriage is consumated and you feel you're victim of marriage fraud, then fight.

If you feel there exist no coordial relationship exists and can swallow  pride , then pay the cost aND GET mcd.


But anyways contest or consent you need to wait atleast for an year for legal proceeding.

Chill till then. Keep any other intimate realtionship under wraps, Collect evidence, DO panchayat and move forward.


I guess tolereance level has really dropped.

Sad to see society has become to this.


amrit kumar (job)     14 September 2016

since my wife not living with me from last 3 month.she only lived for 7 days in my house and thereafter  have no contact with me and my family . can she now file 498 case or other hrassment case on us?? is there any such law that or provison in law that can stop her from filling such false case.

sai narayana   14 September 2016

Amrit bhai

No one files case with facts. So we can't stop her from filing cases.

Amicable bargain or settlement is the best option. If it didn't work out then only try legal options.

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     14 September 2016

auohide4u, i will agree with you, but only for the time being till we meet again in another similar thread.

A walk alone (-)     14 September 2016

No one can predict future. It doesn't matter how long she lives with you . No one can stop her from filling cases. So better try MCD or call her in cool way ask her to comeback and in between talks just try to make her say that you and your family never torture her or never ask dowry . Make a recording of all this conversation. This recording can help you as evidence if she file case

ambrish (service)     15 September 2016

No..need to pay divorce settlement. You are husband and you should have physical contact with your wife in seven that possible....You should not surrender so soon...wait for a year to pass period of filling divorce petition. 


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