I got married on Jan'12 and my wife went to her home on Aprl'12, that time she was pregnant. We got baby boy. But she was not coming back to home. We tried to convance her so many times, despite of all our effort she was not coming home, thats why we went through RCR. Judge ordered her to join me but she went to my home town instead joining me at bangalore. We didnt have any physical relation since March'12. Me and my family tried to make our family life normal but she is still ignoring all our effort. Now she got job at home town. Since 2 months she left home for job and kept our baby at her home town. She dont talk to me on phone also anytime. When I call her, she always do misbeheave.
Now its enough, Me and my family wanted to go for divorce, could you please guide us, how we should go for it. If you want some more information or if you have any question please let me know.
In advance, thank you very very much.
My mobile num: 8197788030
Email: iphdev@hotmail.com