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Marriage: profit for women, loss for men

Due to women biased family laws in India. Marriage will never keep men happy, the moment men marry they invite non-bailable cases like IPC 498A, marriage is an invitation to Women biased Domestic Violence Act, marriage is an invitation to lose your salary and hard earned earnings, marriage will invite you to the world of marital extortion, you will also lose your child custody, you will become a main target of family courts.


Please do think twice, if you really want to marry or not. Most men marry innocently, as they don't realize the consequences. Most men are ignorant of the consequences.

 30 Replies

Sanjeev (Lawyer)     20 February 2012

no one marries knowing that these situations would arise if the relations dont work this is the side effect that becomes detrimental for husband but the wife though legally strong bears the brunt too.


The point of view of the wife is that she has also lost due to the failed marriage and she should recover the compensation from the husband. What is right and whats wrong is dependent on the views of both sides. Thogh 498a is very extreme step but from their point of view they feel husband wont pay unless he isput in a tough situation.


so the crux is whats right for one is wrong for the other its dependent on individual interests.

Ranee....... (NA)     20 February 2012

Thogh 498a is very extreme step but from their point of view they feel husband wont pay unless he isput in a tough situation.


Sanjeev, how filing 498 a yields money?? ..i thought crpc125 or maintenance in dv cases do so?


Ranee ,

Dont act like youd on't know anything about women  misusing laws. Every day we see hundreds of women across India misusing IPC 498A. After that law is misused, the extortion of money from husband begins......
This has become a business for Indian wives.

Aishwarya (Teacher)     20 February 2012

I dont see why should one seek money even for dowry by guys side or maintainance frm girls side..

both are extrotion and be held such in any situation and whoever does it..

Its time laws were made equal for man and women in every regard..

2 Like

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     20 February 2012

i am in line with ms aishwarya.

spouses should bear their own expencess.

but child should get maintenance from their parents.

laws made equal for man and women in every regard - it is not only the demand from ms aishwarya,

it is constitutional desire also.


i think mr melts diagonasys is correct. family laws killing the institution of marriage.

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The aims of section 498A were to help wife to stay with her husband, protecting wives from marital  harassment, abuse, and extortionist dowry demands.

Read the section;

But husband and their relatives violate the law,therefore wife filed  498a  in order to protect from harassment but there are some women who misuse the law i.e,498a .

So, Two aspect ; First Husband/their relatives violate the law.Demand for dowry.

Second,Wife misuse the law.  Demand for money,extortion,etc.

Third because of one and two ,true women suffer ,dont get justice.

Marriage: profit for women, loss for men 

Thus, total loss for true wife/husband.


As to the other statement of this maxim, to presume a fact is to accept it as proved and act upon it as if it were a, fact, SO THAT TO PRESUME THAT EVERYBODY KNOWS THE LAW IS TO ACCEPT AS TRUE WHAT IS KNOWN TO BE UNTRUE. That is going beyond all reason, and naturally A GREAT DEAL BEYOND ANYTHING IN THE EVIDENCE ACT. The PRINCIPLE of which those two versions of the maxim are, like most maxims, MUCH TOO WIDE A STATEMENT IS THAT IT IS EVERY MAN'S BUSINESS TO KNOW THE LAW AND TO KEEP INSIDE IT, AND IF HE BREAKS IT BECAUSE HE HAS NOT TAKEN THE TROUBLE TO DO SO, HE IS AS MUCH LIABLE TO PUNISHMENT, though usually not liable to as much punishment, as if he had.

An article posted by  Narendra Sharma;

kumar101 (clerk)     20 February 2012

Agree, marriage is profit for wife and loss for men

Also, if you see, women marry men who are richer than them, so as to get double profit

Ranee....... (NA)     20 February 2012

Originally posted by :Melt
Ranee ,

Dont act like youd on't know anything about women  misusing laws. Every day we see hundreds of women across India misusing IPC 498A. After that law is misused, the extortion of money from husband begins......
This has become a business for Indian wives.

This is not the reply to the question I raised above.My question was .HOW MISUSE OF 498a YIELD MONEY ??

asmita0009 (working)     20 February 2012

Everyday we are looking that some people are publishing news that women are missusing law IPC 498A.  I want to know is there any  GOVT/supreme court  approved Proper figure of misusing this law?  Further  in our surroungs /in court prmises we found that there are thousand of casses going on in india where women are not getting stridhan till years and years and  compare to the income of Husband and inlaws women are getting nominal amount as maintenace.  What is the opinion for that?


This law is unique to India, it not only discriminates based on gender (man Vs. woman), but also discriminates against women based on their relationship with the husband...

On a single complaint of the wife, the husband and his entire family can be packed off to behind the bars, with an estimated 40,000 such accusations per year and an average of 5 members of the husband’s family implicated in each of these 498-a cases, about 200,000/- people are directly affected by these cases...

And Ms.APARANA9999 u are talking about maintenance to women's are not getting their stridhan???but u are against the Family which is a Relation which is broken and Humilated husband and his family members and u are talking about Nominal Amount????

kumar101 (clerk)     20 February 2012

Women are always worried about stridhan, maintenance instead of looking for job and fend for themselves.They don't want husband and always looking and profit and loss statement.

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Originally posted by :Ranee.......
" This is not the reply to the question I raised above.My question was .HOW MISUSE OF 498a YIELD MONEY ?? "


well you should know,  your friends are the ones who misuse it.

Originally posted by :roob boo roo

Originally posted by :Ranee.......


This is not the reply to the question I raised above.My question was .HOW MISUSE OF 498a YIELD MONEY ??



well you should know,  your friends are the ones who misuse it.

but how...please tell.Why everybody is changing/avoiding topic.I also want to know.

Originally posted by :@@pragya###
" but how...please tell.Why everybody is changing/avoiding topic.I also want to know. "


how does it not? why do you people think it does not. you people would have seen it in real life.