Originally posted by : Roshni B.. |
@helping hand
even you misunderstood.i said that EITHER we ban marriages(since they have lost their meaning) or we allow only serious people to marry.people who are willing to divorce quickly are a burden on judiciary & bring so much pain to the other spouse & to both families.
KINDLY READ AGAIN.I used v.simple english.i dont know why u misunderstood my points so much
The thought itself is foolish one.
How will you gauge that two people serously want to get married, who respect the institution called as marriage etc?????
Is it possible to gauge such a thing?>
Or is it possible that two people seriously dont want to live together and hence they are asking for divorce, no matter what the other person has driven nuts into, buy his or her acts???
Is there a gauge for such a thing? Yes? How, illtreatment by either of the spouse.
Even by perhaps some kind of Godly intervention if one is able to make out that two people are really so very serious about getting married, does it give proof that they will stick to each other no matter what? Who will give you the gaurantee.
If we ban marriages, its as good as telling the world that we live in modern society and we believe in fcuk and forget, in that way we ourselves will be telling about our mentality towards marriage.
Why laws have not been amended wrt divorce proceedings? Only for the reason that its not in our culture, getting divorced. What leads to a divorce one should first understand that, rise in income, rise in standard of living, high levels of education coupled with financial strength/independence all these make the marriage a very vulnerable, either they fail to adjust and run back to puppa mummy's house and say wont come if such such conditions are not accepted, or they just move out.
99% of divorces are happening not because of the husbands, but because of wife's.
In older times, our elders/parents there was a sense of dignity in which they led life, poorer economic conditions, coupled with religious and social beliefs made married couples to have some dignified behavior forced or not, but still there was a dignified kind of behavior which is not found in the married couples of today.
Did not our elders help each other in the kitchen washing vessels? Did they not do it? They did it, and they do it even today.
But what went wrong where? It is a simple answer, girl never could learn the domestic work as mommy was always there at beck n call.
Get up, go school, mommy give tiffen box, go school, mommy am tired, give bornvita, time passes, 10th, 10+2, then want to study more, want to do degree, masters, end result? One day parents get em married, two months into marriage, they come back home, they are not brought up even in such a way that they cannot look after themselves, what will they look after husband and inlaws, so easily they go back and sit and start putting conditions, I dont want to stay there.. why? parent-in-laws question, kyon beta aapke mummy ne aapko yeh sab nahi sikhaya kya? Beta aisa kyon nahi kiya.. etc now for a princess who had two servants called as pappa and mumma, if parent-in-laws start questioning, it is as good as an offence which is punishable under law, they torture me blah blah blah, so husband make seperate house, there also same circus, she cant cook, I mean the basic thing of the indian woman is of course cooking, if not either both the husband and wife should be in a position to make a different setup as a cook at home etc or manage food outside, but till how long? Eventually they get fed up, and in between the urge? what about that, have s e x and now one more headache for both of them, wife cant look after herself, she wants two servants ie puppa mumma, now on top of it pregnant, why did I get pregnant, why did that b-a-s-t-a-r-d got me pregnant, I told him to use a condom blah blah, then some more conditions, you only come and see us, we wont come there, you shift here blah blah, ultimately file for divorce.
Instead of telling marriages have lost meaning, why dont the present generation work toward try putting some meaning into the word marriage, rather than putting only meanings according to law of a 498a, DV, 125 crpc etc etc.
Why not show the world that they also can lead a life that of their elders, not quitting on each other, being there, building a family.
In one way our elders ane also responsible for what is happening in our society today ie increasing divorce cases, if they had put in the right values what were given to them by their elders, we would not have been in this kind of situation now. But still we can instill values in the next generation by trying to follow what our forefathers followed.