Married Daughter Died before her father and father died after passing of Hindu Amended Succession Act , Can heirs of the married daughter claim right on ancestor property of their maternal grand father ( father of their deceased mother)?
Shekhar Vaidya 08 February 2022
Married Daughter Died before her father and father died after passing of Hindu Amended Succession Act , Can heirs of the married daughter claim right on ancestor property of their maternal grand father ( father of their deceased mother)?
Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer) 08 February 2022
When did the daughter die, before the Hindu succession Act or after that?
SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900 (Advocate) 08 February 2022
Married daughter's heirs can claim her share in her father's property after death as Hindu Succession Amendment.
Adv. Mohit Chahal (Advocate) 09 February 2022