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sahiti   21 June 2015

Married daughter right in father's poperty

We have 3 sister. all are married. my mother had died. we have no brother. only my father alive. he have property some comes from my grandfather and some are are self acquired. now my father want to marry again n want to transfer property in name of 2nd wife's son. but we all sister want our right. what we should do.

 8 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     21 June 2015

It is believed that you are Hindu.

You have a right in ancestral property and file for partition.

The self acquired proeprty can be disposed by the owner as it pleases to him.

Take help of elders in the family and let them convince that daughters are also his flesh and blood and may be treated equal to sons.


sahiti   21 June 2015

can we take the stay order on all propery so that my can't transfer property to anyone

sahiti   21 June 2015

can we take the stay order on all propery so that my can't transfer property to anyone

Kumar Doab (FIN)     21 June 2015

You can pray for injunction to sell.

Before you proceed on your own conault an able lawyer dealing in proeprty/revenue/family matters and understand the options and merits and remedies.

rajuchowdappa   22 June 2015

Sahiti If you are from karnataka you can contact me 9738465552.

sudhakar.RVS (Advocate)     22 June 2015

You have got every right to share the ancestral property equally among the three sisters ,l share from his leaving your father's share. your's father share also after his demise would be distributed to you and your two sisters equally.His self acquired property ,he can dispose as per his wishes. you have not clearly spelt out ,whether your father has remarried and got a male child born to her. If that marriage was celebrated as per Hindu act , your step brother will get his share from his legitamate father acquired property.  You and u r sisters can request your father to ditribute some shrae but at the same time you don't  have any right over the property earned byyour father  as you are blood related.




Uday Kumar (Advocate )     23 June 2015


1. Simply file suit for partition against ancestral property

2. for Property Owned from self earning.... you rights will acrue after death of your father not now



Uday Kumar


Azad Verasiya   23 June 2015

Hello Sir,

We are shia ismaili Muslim. We have a small land 3.5 Bigha (0.5 Acer) Near Dwaraka in Gujarat. the land is on the name of my grand father. And my grandfather is no more and he had a 5 Daughters and one son. My father is the only son of my grandfather. My father was a principal at government school. He is retire now. He is 71 year old and his one sister is 60 years old rest all are more older than my father. My father worked hard to get merried his sisters and we was not getting any income from that land but every year when rain come at that we have to repair that land and do some expense on it. As Now the price is increased of that land so my Aunts came to take his part but no buddy came when my father was struglling alone. Now my father don't want to devide the money between his sisters but he want that what ever i feel i will give to my sisters. Because he told that i did many things for my Parents and my sisters. Is it possible ? 

If no than it will devide equally or there is any persontage for daughter and son?

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