My Grandfather had a land and he died almost 30 years ago. I want to determine if my Mom has a legal right to claim a share in the property. The land was bought around 1950's. Do let me know.
Jagadish (Professional) 27 January 2016
My Grandfather had a land and he died almost 30 years ago. I want to determine if my Mom has a legal right to claim a share in the property. The land was bought around 1950's. Do let me know.
Advocate Kappil Cchandna (Expert Bail & Criminal Defence Lawyer at Delhi Supreme Court of India) 27 January 2016
If that land was a self acquired property of your grandfather then your mother can have a right in the same property, but if the same was a ansectral property she will not have the right becasue your grandfather have died before 2005 Amandement Act and the recent ruling of Hon'ble Supreme Court says that the amandment was prospective and not retrospective .
Warm Regards
Kapil Chandna Advocate