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tl himeshkumar (md)     09 April 2012

Marrying an married woman

Dear all,

now the matter is a person has married to an woman who hasnt got divorced from the first husband.they both have got registered in an register ofice for the purpose of migration to UK.they married and migrated  toUK .Now in this marriage i was wittness from groom side  but in absense of the knowledge of first I came to know they have done this for visa purpose and migrated . now how can i come out of this witness should be cancelled and what should I do? please advise  me.

 5 Replies

Adv. Chandrasekhar (Advocate)     09 April 2012

You are witness of the marriage of both the parties and their identities.  Neither more nor less.  You are not attesting any fact about their marital status at the time of their marriage.   If any illegality is found about their marital status in future, you will not be held accountable.  So do not worry.  If you file a representation withdrawing your signature, it will complicate the matter to that couple.

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     09 April 2012

Dear Querist

you can read the answer of your query in experts

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     16 May 2012

Trouble not only for couple but for your as well.  Whom will you convince that the abetment to fradulent marrige was done by you without knowledge of earlier marriage.

Amit (NA)     16 May 2012

At the time of registration did the woman mention that she's divorced or unmarried?

If that is so, then how can the witness be held for abetting fraud marriage?

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     16 May 2012

prosecution has to only prove that witness knew about the earlier marriage (i he really knew) and abetment will be proved.  if he never knew and can prove it then there can be no proof against him and he will (if accused) discharged after proonged suffering of trail.

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