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deepak Soni   20 November 2017

May i resign job after getting my first incremented salary ?


I am working in one IT company who develope the websites. I am web developer.

I completed my two years in currnet company and I continue my 3rd year, still I have not sign any bond for my 3rd year I just informed for continue my job via google chat 2/3 days ago.

But now I get one better oppportunity from other company and I want to join.

I will get my 1st incremented salary in 1st december,2017. So may I resign before that ? I am preety sure that If I resign before 1st dec company will not give me my new incremented salary they will give me my old salary.

So I want to know Shoul/ May I resign the job on 2nd december after getting my 1st incremented salary ?

 9 Replies


Why not? That is your sweet will. Nobody can refrain you from resigning if that is as per the terms of your appointment.


Kumar Doab (FIN)     20 November 2017

Resignation is personal matter of employee.

Employee can resign when employee decides to separate.

Employee may tender resonable notice of resignation and preferably obtain NOC/NDC, handover of charge.


Kumar Doab (FIN)     20 November 2017

What are the reasons for your apprehension!

You have posted that you have signed a Bond.


Is there any condition attached with increment that bothers you say; if employee leaves within …………days/month the establishment shall recover/adjust the increment?

Is there any condition attached in said Bond that if employee continues/agrees to continue after expiry of Bond Period the Bond shall be extended?

Do you have copy of Bond and copy of appraisal/Bond policy?


If you wish you may attach the copies in the thread. Erase all names/photos/phone numbers/addresses  etc etc in all docs that you attach.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     20 November 2017

Avoid posting photos/names/email id/phone numbers/addresses etc etc or attaching any document containing photos/names/email id/phone numbers/addresses etc etc and erase photos/names/email id/phone numbers/addresses etc etc while sending any documents to anyone, anywhere except your own very able senior LOCAL counsel of unshakable repute and integrity specializing in Labor/service matters and having successful track record in handling such matters thru courts of law and with concerned authorities.


Employee should take help of elders of your family, competent and experienced well wishers, seasoned employee’s union leaders while handling such matters.


Kumar Doab (FIN)     20 November 2017

If there are NO conditions as mentioned above then you tender reasonable notice of resignation;

As in enactments applicable to establishment/employer/employee

Or as in private agreement/appointment letter/rule/policy drafted by employer or IT’s attorneys in say; HR/Admin/legal cells and signed by   you……….

Whichever is deemed beneficial by you………..

And separate, amicably.

Law Aspire (Legal)     23 November 2017

What is the meaning of 3 months Notice period in employment contract? Does it mean u have to continuously work for 3 months and company will pay all three months salary after completion of notice period?

Kumar Doab (FIN)     23 November 2017

You had not posted that there is a notice period of 3 months made applicable to you by any signed document/rule/policy...

deepak Soni   28 November 2017

Thank you sir,


But they are saying i can not do that, My boss called me after I gave my resign. He told me that I can not decide the last date.(As I mention in my resign thay my last date is 31st december, 2017). I said he will discuss internally and inform me my last date till that I have to work with my old salary. Here as per terms emplyee can give resign before 30 days I did but he is not accepting my resignation, and told me that if i will not continue he will not give me salary. As he said that I did not sign my bond so is not responsible to pay. It is not fair but I dont know what to do ?

deepak Soni   28 November 2017

Thank you sir,
But they are saying i can not do that, My boss called me after I gave my resign. He told me that I can not decide the last date.(As I mention in my resign thay my last date is 31st december, 2017). I said he will discuss internally and inform me my last date till that I have to work with my old salary. Here as per terms emplyee can give resign before 30 days I did but he is not accepting my resignation, and told me that if i will not continue he will not give me salary. As he said that I did not sign my bond so is not responsible to pay. It is not fair but I dont know what to do ?

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