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a rastogi   26 April 2024

Medical insurance from employer!

All Honorable learned advocates!

I have very little issue of regarding medical insurance.

The point is employer deduct the medical insurance premium from the employee compulsarily but insurance companies always are with conditions to filter 90% case of medical illness or emergency. It makes medicial insurance premium as total waste and extra burden for 90% employees or kind of loot. 

The main issue,

I paid medical insurance premium of some INR 3000 and at the time of my mother emergency some INR 30000 has been spent. When I communicated same to company they took documents and processed with insurance company which was denied stating 24-hour hospitilization not happened. So I concluded even even 1 cr  is bein spent and 24-Hour hospitilization has not happened paid medical insurance premium is waste. In short first I paid 30000 then i pay 3000, in total 33000

What is use of this all for me ? and if not then why i should allow employer to deduct from my hard labored money ?

If at end all only i need to bear then why i should pay any bl**dy premium ?

Simple I dont want to pay and i will bear all responsibility, is it wrong somewhere from leagal perpective ?

The money I am earning, I must have authority to decide on same how anyone else can take decision on my hard labored money ??

My point is either employer take the responsibility to ensure benifit to employee if employer is taking decision on the my money or employer makes free from all this extra burden even based on the some legal written affidavit.

Can it be possbible or not ? if yes then how ?












 3 Replies

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     26 April 2024

The employer will not undertake the responsibility to get back the insurance compensation if the insurance company fails to pay the medical bills despite having deducted the medical insurance amount.

You have all the rights to refuse to pay the medical insurance amount and also can object the employer to deduct the same from your salary.

There is no provisions in law that the employer has to deduct the medical insurance amount from each and every employee from his or her salary especially if the employee is not willing to avail this facility. 

In India, employers are not mandated by law to provide health insurance to their employees from their own pocket. However, some employers choose to offer health insurance as part of their employee benefits package, and in such cases, they typically contribute a portion of the premium while employees may also be required to contribute to the premium cost.

a rastogi   26 April 2024


My problem is , I have requested several times, but they are stating "There is no provision to opt out of the Insurance as it is mandatory coverage for associate."

Now to reply above when I responded with below quoted text

"Even if it is not proving even a little beneficial for employee in turn proving as total wasta for employee ? This directly proves that even if employee expenditure is 1Cr and no 24 hours hospitalization, premium is again total waste.

If it is compulsory then kindly bear the responsibility to benefit the employee else if you can't bear the same, kindly free the employee from this financial torture, I am ready to perform some formality like written affidavit something else or you may suggest some other option available. 

I can't allow anyone to loot myself anyone. It is my hard labored money, and I will only decide about same. Insurance companies are just looting your employees, and either directly or indirectly, you are allowing for the same.

So, request to kindly fetch some workable valid and justified option and allow accordingly."

Reply to this they scheduled the meeting with HR & RM etc etc.

In short it manadatory for associate to pay premium but insurance company can easily escape stating 24 hours clause.

Kindly suggest what to say if:

1. They say to resign ?

2. We have no option for anything like that etc etc.

3. Some unexpected verbal reply.

In all above how and what to say in meeting ?




T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     28 April 2024

You can take it up legally against the employer however this would risk your employent hence you may have to handle it carefully.

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