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santosh jaiswal   09 May 2016

Mental harrashment.

Dear Sir/Ma'am

Sub: Is supporting your Separated sister & her daughter is CRIME and should result into false allegation against men and not allowing a father to meet his 1 Yr. old kid since more than 10 months????

Can a Man Get custody of his <2Yrs child? If yes, please guide me as i have victim of false marriage and have been mentally tortured for > 4yrs.

  1. I would like to bring into your kind notice that My Wife  requested me that she is going to Lucknow on 18th july 2015 morning with my KID for few days for which I agreed and dropped them to Anand Vihar Railway station on 19th July 2015
  2. Later on same evening, a police officer,paschim vihar P.S  came to my flat and informed  me that My wife have registered  two police complaints against me on 25.06.2015 & 17.07.2015 which was a shock for me, kept me at sub-cautious mind for few time.
  3. I replied all the queries of the visiting officer, spoke to my wife in his presence on speaker phone in which the conversation were normal and found that I have dropped all of them at railway station for lucknow. The police authority closed the conversation with me and advised me to try and settle such family dispute within the family with the help of parents and other senior family members.
  4. After that I kept calling on my Wife cell no. to hear voice of my kid from 31.07.2015(my kid B’day) onwards on limited basis say once or twice a day for 1-2 mints.
  5. On 2.10.2015, I visited Lucknow without informing my in-laws and found that my wife & my son are not there. My Father-in-law informed me that they are in Hyderabad however he is not aware of Hyderabad address. When I requested for address, he told me to go back to Delhi and he will confirm me address by next day. So, I returned to delhi on same day(02.10.2015, by Shatabdi Express).
  6. On 3.10.15, I kept trying my wife for address and also wanted to know the reason behind searching for job in Hyderabad but not in either Delhi or Lucknow but my efforts failed.
  7. On 04.10.2015, I spoke to My Father-in-law for address but his reply was still the same that he is not aware of address which was shocking. I asked my father-in-law to meet and solve this dispute but he refused and asked me to wait for at least six months. His extact wordingswere “पहले नौकरी लग जाए,2-3  तनखाएं आ जाएँ,फिर बात करेंगे.”
  8. On 05.11.2015, after a month, I again tried my father-in-law where he confirmed that My wife has got the Job but refused me to give the address and asked me again to wait for 6 months. When I told him that I can’t stay away from my KID, his exact wordings were “दुनिया में इतने लोग अपने पिता से दूर हैं.अगर मैं भी अपने बेटे से दूर हूँ तो क्या मुसीबत आ रही है या कौन सा पहाड़ टूट रहा है.”
  9. On 19.11.2015, I informed my Wife that I am going to Lucknow on 05.12.2015 for which got a reply on 28.11.15 that her father will not be in town on said date, so I cancelled the schedule accordingly  and also stopped contacting all of them and started waiting 6 months’ time to over.
  10. On 18.03.2016, I got a call from my mother-in-law that they are coming  to Lucknow from Hyderabad, and if I want I can go and meet them in Lucknow.(I am still wondering that why can’t I go to meet them in Hyderabad but can meet them in Lucknow???).
  11. On 10.04.2016, I again called my wife to know the schedule and her next plan of action where she confirmed that she will kept on working in Hyderabad and if I have to meet my son ,I have to visit Hyderabad. When I told her that it’s not practically possible to go to Hyderabad very frequently, she told me that it depends on my desperation to meet my child.(does it mean that a father who is not financially sound and cannot go to meet his son so far very frequently is not having any parental emotion or affection for his 1 yr. kid????)
  12. When I requested her if we both are not ready to leave our current city, then what is point of waiting to meet after retirement. If we can’t continue our relationship, lets meet and reach to a solution for which she replied that As our marriage is not registered with the registrar, we don’t need a divorce either and rather if I wish , I can go ahead for second marriage or anything else if  I feel ok and she is not bothered. And the entire conversation ended in a heated up argument. However I dropped her a SMS that I am coming to lucknow on 15.04.2016 to get to a solution.
  13. On 15.04.2016, I visited my in-laws place at lucknow along with my father, & 2 elder brother-in law from patna to solve the dispute and found numerous false allegation against me and my elder sister(who is staying with me with her girl child much before my marriage and this reality was well conveyed by me and my parents to My wife, her parents and other members available from her side who came to delhi to fix the marriage APR’2011).
  14. The argument on 15.04.2016 was endless as they were not ready to listen to even those facts by me which could be proved(like allegation on me for domestic violence for money could easily be proved by Bank statement transactions but they refused to talk keeping the bank statement in front of all).

         15) To reach to a solution, I asked my wife her requirements to go further as follows:

  1. She told me that I can visit Hyderabad in 6 months to meet my child for 15 days and vice versa------I agreed.
  2. Next demand, when she will be in Delhi, she will not stay with my sister------I agreed that I will either manage another flat for the period or manage the same in hotel.
  3. Next, my father in-law, who will bear the commuting expenses…….I replied as we both working, we should bear out cost else I am ok to bear the entire cost.
  4. Next, when I will visit Hyderabad, I have to come alone…….I replied ok but I also don’t want anyone else except my Kid and my wife there as I wanted to spend some quality time for sake of our future with my wife and kid alone.


Finally the conversation on 15.04.2015 ended up on good note, me, my wife and my kid gone for short outing to the  nearest Park, spend the time together and the day ends with fact that we are coming next day to their place for lunch and then will go back to our respective cities.





  1. On 16.04.2016, my father-in-law again denied and started the conversation that he is not ok with yesterday’s conclusion of my visit to Hyderabad and they will also talk in front of other people. I requested him being a local to call any of his relatives till evening to close this matter, but he disagreed. I have given another option that we will come again on next Sunday but want this to be closed soon as I am already far from my son since long and cannot wait for another 6-9 months but they all disagreed and told us that now they will decide the time and date but not giving any clear picture as always to wait for a day or a month or a year or more.


  1. We left their place, went to local police station at Hasanganj, informed the matter to S.H.O Mr. Dinesh Singh who then send a Police officer to my in-laws place and asked my father-in-law to appear. When my Father-in-law and my wife came to P.S, they again started portraying the same picture against the S.H.O showing the complaint copy against me submitted in Delhi P.S. The S.HO asked my father-in-law one basic question that what does they want….whether to continue to the relationship or to be separated.( उन्होंने ये कहा की एक बाप को उसके बच्चे से इतने दिनों से दूर क्यों रखे हुए हो. क्या आप लोग इसी समाज के हो या कही और के?) He requested both the parties to discuss within ourselves and solve and left for some official work. Then my in-laws left the Police station angrily, we submitted our complaint copy and left Lucknow.Few Points i would also like to mention which is 100% true and i have submitted the same in my complaint copy:
  2. My father-in-law is not having any source of income. (और वो अपनी बेटिओं को दामाद से लड़ाकर के दूर रख कर अपना रोज़ी रोटी चलाते हैं. इसका सबसे बड़ा उदहारण है उनकी ३ बेटिओं में से जो दो नौकरी करती हैं वो उनके पास है और जो नौकरी नहीं करती है वो अपने ससुराल में.)
  3. मेरी और मेरे ससुराल वालों की असल मनसा जब मैं और मेरी पत्नी अपने अपने शादी के दिन से लेकर के अब तक के बैंक स्टेटमेंट को सामने रख के किसी न्यूट्रल व्यक्ति के सामने बात करें तो स्पष्ट हो सकती है की असल गड़बड़ कहाँ है.मैं अपनी पत्नी और अपने बच्चे के साथ रहना चाहता हूँ लेकिन मेरे ससुराल वाले उसको भड़काकर मुझसे दूर रखना चाहते हैं. मैं लखनऊ से लौटने के बाद पूरा वृतांत की जानकारी जरूर दूंगा.
  4. उनकी बड़ी बेटी भी छोटे से बेटे को लेकर अपने पिता के यहाँ रहती थी और नौकरी करती थी और एक दिन उनकी बड़ी बेटी के पति ने इनके घर पे ही आत्महत्या कर ली थी जिसकी जानकारी मुझे शादी के बाद मिली और मेरे ससुर जी ने बताया की उसके बड़े दामाद  ने पैसों की तंगी के कारण आत्महत्या कर ली थी. मुझे सुनकर बड़ा आस्चर्य हुआ और आज मेरा हर किसी से एक सवाल है की जब एक बेटी के  पति ने पैसों की तंगी के कारण आत्महत्या कर ली थी तो फिर इन लोगों ने दूसरी बेटी की शादी जो खुद 47000 कमाती थी की शादी एक 19000 कमाने वाले लड़के से क्यों कर दी जो पहले से ही अपनी बहन और उसकी बेटी की ज़िम्मेदारी निभा रहा था और शादी तय होने से पहले उन लोगों को हर एक बात साफ़ साफ़ सब्दों में बता चूका था.
  5. My Elder sister-in-law also doesn’t want us to settle as if my wife will spent peaceful life, she will have to bear the entire cost of Lucknow establishment resulting in less saving by her for his Son. Best way to increase her saving is if my wife stays with them and contribute.

I don’t have any problem at all if any person is taking care of any dependents. I have never bothered on any inflow/outflow of funds from wife Bank account (can be checked to know reality). The only thing I want is to stay with my wife and my son peacefully whether she is earning or not but not ready to compromise/ to take any wrong decision compromising my dignity on both humanity and relationship grounds.


Please help me to come out of situation as i am finding difficult to survive.


Thanks & Regds:

Santosh jaiswal







 2 Replies

Dr Martin Campbell (Doctor)     09 May 2016

For some staying single is problem.

For some staying married is a problem >>>> file divorce.

For some attending court is a problem >>> cant take back wife

For some paying alimony to wife is a problem, but no problem paying kid alimony.


You want custody of kid, ? Throw money, take visitation rights, Karisma Kapoor also gave visitation rights to her husband but he did not get custody of the kids, but he had to pay huge alimony to get divorce and visitation rights, and the battle is not over yet,  they will keep fighting till kids turn 18 or 21 and continue till they die (ofcourse due to property issuues).


So moral of the story is:  [______________________________________________]


Your daughter needs both of you: SC tells the parents yearning for divorce [Read Judgment]



It is well known that the real victims of matrimonial litigation are not the litigating couples, but their children. Often the fighting parents forget that they are mother and father to a child who needs care and protection from both of them. Last month, Apex Court bench comprising of Justices Kurian Joseph and R.F. Nariman ‘reminded’ a couple about this unfortunate fact. 


 The Apex court was disposing of an appeal which arose out of a High Court judgment wherein it had set aside the divorce granted by family court to the wife. The husband who contested the wife’s plea of divorce in family court, finally submitted before the Apex Court bench that he is prepared for divorce on mutual consent on appropriate terms.



 It was in this context, the bench said ‘We only want to remind both, the father and the mother, that they may fight endlessly but the one person who is sandwiched, disturbed, pained, shocked and if not spoiled is their daughter. If the future of the daughter is kept in mind by both the father and the mother, they will think of disassociating themselves from all other differences between them. We are sure the parties would be in a position to reach a workable solution with regard to custody. After all the child needs both father and mother’ 



 The Court disposed of the appeal directing the Family Court to take things forward and settle all the related aspects including custody of the child, bearing in mind the observation made by it.


 Read the Judgment here.




PS This is only possible when the wife is not greedy, voracious, ravenous, selfish and avaricious.





What got  Karishma


She got the bungalow of her father in law situated in Mumbai, BOND OF Rs.4 crores in the name of kids from her husband apart from having custody of children and many more.





What gets husband SANJAY






Most important is there is no depreciation value of so called women if she approaches for DIVORCE  after second marriage and so on.

Dr Martin Campbell (Doctor)     09 May 2016


Attached File : 351902 20160509210816 26309827 karisma kapoor.pdf downloaded: 115 times

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