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Sayel   26 December 2022

Mental illness and divorce

There is a post on 25th dec- "Fraudulently married to a mentally ill man. Please let me know for more details. "

Mainly the thing is about, bringing out the truth to the world. 

Yes they are already demanding for mutual. But we are still in a great trauma that they have cheated us and upon that it's a bit difficult in our community to be called divorcee. When we suggest for treatment for better future, their response is, how can he be mentally ill when he is working in such a responsible position? They are very conveniently asking for divorce and may again scout for another girl.

Is there any way, we can get his brain and body tested, as they were denying any such condition. 

 9 Replies

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     27 December 2022

Facts posted are vague which require more clarity.

Real Soul.... (LEGAL)     27 December 2022

it is repeated query already replied previously, you call the man Intelligent and then call him mentally ill, may be his behavior or whatever is involved, just make yourself free out of that relation and accept the divorce. Regarding social work to save any another girl from such horrible experiences ,,,you need to stay as watchdog. You are more avenging (which is quiet natural reaction) which will spoil your peace and life,; I advise you to get divorce ask for good alimony and move on.

Sayel   27 December 2022

Yes agree with you -Real Soul, thank fir the response. I get it. Since, I am saying it's a mental illness and in fact they are ready for mutual divorce.

But yet it's very difficult to imagine Divorce, coz that was never ever thought about, seperation/divorce terms are hard-hitting terms to imagine. 

I am still unable to digest why can't we ask for getting him tested from the court, coz they keep on saying "how can he have mental illness since he working in such a respectable position". This is simply lack of awareness and accountability in the country. 

Please let me know if we can ask help in this regard. 



Real Soul.... (LEGAL)     27 December 2022

It appears you are not happy with divorce; non would be except one is not squeezed to last drop of life.

Well he is doing a job and you called him intelligent too, means there are some behavioral problems and would like to know why you call him mentally ill, what made you to decide on his mental status, can you relate some incidents – then may be could suggest accordingly.

Sayel   27 December 2022

It's not like unable to adjust, ego, fights, bad habbits, etc like in every marriage.

There are signs of discomfort when in public, no eye contact or more often fixated looks, talks to self, certain weird repeatative body movements, monotone, slow in understanding the situation, more of this nature. 

His maths or memory is good, replies when talked, but never gets involved in any discussion at home or when visitors. 

He shared of 1 previous bitter experience which he says affected him for almost a couple of years. There is more to this incident. 

We even said to his family, let's seek for some external help on his condition from a specialist for better future . Which they are completely denying. 




Real Soul.... (LEGAL)     27 December 2022

Well that is not mental illness but behavioral disorder ; well for that reason you have option to live and adopt the situation or just leave. If you can motivate him for consultation with some physiatrist and he is prepared may be that would improve his ways. But when patient is not ready to cooperate it would be futile to force upon him  any treatment.

Sayel   27 December 2022

Once again thank you Sir,

Yes, we've(I and my family) consulted a doctor(but without spouse).  After taking note of all the concerns incl marital issues, doc explained few things. 

He finally asked to be careful as they become aggressive anytime and such people are hardly independent and so mostly taken care by their immediate family members. 

So it could be anything mild/severe kind of illness. But, Doctor cannot conclude anything as he has not physically see him. And yet you know his family is unwilling for any such external consultation. 

Thus, need to know, what about such instances from legal point of view, where they are not ready for any consultation and directly demanding for separation without letting us know the matter. 

Can there be any reason for not disclosing/talking about his medical condition from his professional side or social stigma. 

I know getting separated is a easy way out as they are already prepared for it. Yet it's bit difficult for us.I am looking for, if there is any solution to save it by getting it treated..... It's a mix of Medical and Legal expertise needed in this case

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     01 January 2023

You have to take a decision as to whether you can adjust, accommodate and reconcile with circumstances to stay with him, if he is also willing, interested and happy to take you back, 

You cannot compel him to stay with you, be clear in your mind and take a firm decision.

Repition of same story will not change opinion and advise of experts, you must agree and appreciate

Otherwise repitition is absurd and ridiculous. It would be appropriated and better to seek professional services of a local prudent lawyer for proper appreciation of facts and necessary proceeding.

Wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous New Gregorian Year-2023


1 Like

Sayel   02 January 2023

Thank you for the response

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