Settlement is also adverse and negative entry and shall continue to feature in CIBIL, EQUIFAX, EXPERIAN, MASTER NEGATIVE FEEDBACK LIST, etc........................................
Therefore do not fall for settlement.
If you had issues with M/s ICIC Bank and CC pertaining to unfair practices, deficiency, let these be raised in writing under acknowledgment and proved and accepted by bank.
You must demand that bank shall remove all flags, negative entries in CIBIL and others and it shall have no adverse effect on your credit rating, credibility and loan taking ability in future.
You must demand certified copies of each bill (statement) raised by bank till date in your name.
You must demand certified copy of communications sent by M/s ICIC Bank to CIBIL, EQUIFAX, EXPERIAN, MASTER NEGATIVE FEEDBACK LIST, etc........................................till date and later (after payment) to these credit bureau’s.
Bank shall not easily agree to supply the certified copies of each bill (statement) and certified copy of communications sent by M/s ICIC Bank to CIBIL, EQUIFAX, EXPERIAN, MASTER NEGATIVE FEEDBACK LIST, etc....................................however can not deny also and for your sake you must not agree anything less than these.
It is once again reiterated that let your lawyer check all of your records and your lawyer may opine that matter hopelessly time barred and/or statue barred and in such a case bank can not press for recovery and has to delete the entrees from CIBIL etc...........................without any adverse effect on you.
Whatever the case may be you must lodge a police complaint for calls made by the bank.
The police ca provide the ownership detail of callers.
Bank has to maintain the list of its recovery agencies on its website.
From that list you can find out detail of ownership of recovery agency calling you.
If the phone numbers from which calls are being made are not featured in list maintained at website it is another default by bank and your lawyer would know how to take the bank to task.