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Nagraj Nitesh   31 July 2018

Mental torture from wife

it's been 6 months that I married a girl.we never had s*x bcz I don't have interest on s*x my wife made this as a big issue and she is torturing me and threatining me and warning me saying I should live with her properly by having s*x she talks to me with so abusive words .even her parents and brothers are scolding me so abusively. I went to police station to complain about this but police support her and they advice is to live together happily. But I don't like her...not only her I don't get attracted to any girls. my parents and relatives are forcing and torturing me to consult doctor and start having s*x .I don't wanna take any medicines and spoil my health. My goal is different and my Moto is different ...Please kindly suggest me that how do I come out of this mess.

 16 Replies

Nagraj Nitesh   31 July 2018

Note:- I got married forcibly with torture.
1 Like

TGK REDDI   31 July 2018

Clarify whether you're impotent.

Nagraj Nitesh   31 July 2018


TGK REDDI   31 July 2018

You didn't tell about your impotency before marriage.     You betrayed them.   

Now tell them.     They can't compel you to commit s*x.

She'll go to Court or adjust with you committing extra marital s*x which shouldn't bother you.

If she moves a Court, wait for its verdict.

The police can't interfere in your matter.

Nagraj Nitesh   31 July 2018

But if I can't have s*x with her in future then what should I do? Should I myself start divorce notice or should I wait till she does? If she moves a court what will be the end result? Will I get out of her? Or will she expects more money from me ? If I file a divorce should I pay her more?

Nagraj Nitesh   31 July 2018

Also, how will I make my parents and relatives understand that I don't wanna have s*x with her nor I'm interested in any girl or marriage? Each and every day they pressurise me and torture me with this matter .I'm really disappointed....

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     31 July 2018

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a repeated inability to get and maintain an erection. Whether it can be cured depends on why you are experiencing it. In some cases, treating an underlying cause may help resolve the problem. There are a range of treatments which can help you manage ED and enjoy a normal s*x life.

Nagraj Nitesh   31 July 2018

But I don't have any interest towards s*x ......I consulted doctors they say that I am all normal but it's about feelings....Do I get any treatment for harmone changes?

TGK REDDI   31 July 2018

If you're normal, why did you say in your earlier reply that you're impotent?

OK.   You can't have s*x.    Do you object to her having extra marital s*x?    If no and if she doesn't object to having such s*x, you can lead a happy life.

It's better if she files for divorce.   You betrayed her and want to avoid maintenance.     Not at all fair.

Nagraj Nitesh   31 July 2018

I mentioned that I got married forcibly....Am I not going through mental pressure like I should do which I don't want to ? I won't object for extra marital s*x but I dunno if she agrees for it bcz other day when I spoke.If she really loves me can't she allow me to adopt a child or get a test tube baby?

TGK REDDI   31 July 2018

I don't think there's any provision for marriages under threat.

I have nothing to add to my previous reply.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     01 August 2018

Probably the marriage was performed per customs of your community/provisions of personal law that applies in your case e.g; Hindu’s!

If NO then marriage may not be valid and you may separate amicably.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     01 August 2018


If yes and if you have no medical issues consummate the marriage and lead happy married life.

If you have some psychological problem agree to advice of spouse and relatives and go for counseling by Trained councilor, Psychologist and get cured and consummate the marriage.

If you have some psychological/psychiatric problem and are advised to approach Psychiatrist agree to advice of spouse and relatives and go for treatment by Psychologist and get cured and consummate the marriage.

If you have some medical/pathological problem, agree to advice of spouse and relatives and go for treatment by Andrologist/Urologist and get cured and consummate the marriage.

Or End the wedlock by MCD.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     01 August 2018

If you are unable to resolve then approach a very able senior LOCAL counsel of unshakable repute and integrity specializing in Family matters   and well versed with latest citations, LOCAL applicable rules/laws/ … and having successful track record…. and worth his/her salt…..and show the documents/evidence for a considered opinion..

At each location three are some counsels that specialize in such matters and they are well known.

Check for such counsels at LOCAL Family/civil courts, HC……

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