Jane Smith 20 July 2015
Hemant Agarwal (ha21@rediffmail.com Mumbai : 9820174108) 21 July 2015
1. The Title can be very easily Transferred via a duly paid Stamp Duty and Registered "Gift Deed", subject to the willingness of the present title holder.
2. IF the above is not possible THEN file a civil matter for possession, based on the property purpose documents and payments made therein.
Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal
READ ARTICLES ON: https://hemantagarwal21.blogspot.in/?view=sidebar
Jane Smith 21 July 2015
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate) 23 July 2015
Thestamp duty details are local issues, it may either be enquired through some local consultant or can be had from the government registration department's web site.