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Mohan Kumar (Consultant)     29 September 2009

Minimum number of leave

Dear professional colleagues,

Can you please advise what is the minimum leave presribed under Tamil Nadu Shops & Establishment Act as Casual Leave , Privileted Leave and Sick L eave?

Also pl. advise whether a probationer is entitled to leave during his probation period. In other words, if the Company says that during the probation period, the employee is not entitled to any leave, is this legally valid?

The company I am talking is a Software Company and Factories Act and other related legislations will not be applicable. I suppose only Tamil Nadu Shops & Establishment Act will be applicable.






 1 Replies

Kumaresan ka (Legal - HYUNDAI)     21 October 2009

Under TN Shops & Establishment Act  during 1st 12-months of continous service (includes probation period), an employee is entitled to leave with wages for maximum of 12days SL & Maximum of 12days CL. 

After completion of 12 months continous service, he'll b entitled to 12days PL for every completed every of service.

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