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Hemang (Director)     16 February 2010

Minimum wages

We have a factory with daily wage workers in Gujarat. The salaries are divided into basic (on which PF is deducted) and allowances like conveyance, hra etc. My question is that does minimum wages mean total salary or only basic. In some cases our basic salary is less than minimum given by govt. but the total of basic+conveyance+hra etc is much more.

 6 Replies

Hemang (Director)     16 February 2010

Another related question, we manufacture optics for instruments, not spectacles, under excise chapter heading 9001. Do we come under engineering industry. Our daily wage workers are numbering less than 50 but total employees including staff is more than 50. Which minimum wages will apply?

V. VASUDEVAN (LEGAL COUNSEL)     16 February 2010

minimum wages


basic +

dearness allowance OR special allowance (as may be prescribed by the respective state by notification
for the specified category viz. skilled, unskilled, etc.


Other allowances are taken into factor while considering compliance with minimum wages


Hemang (Director)     16 February 2010

thank you for the answers. if all allowances are consideres, what is the minimum salary on which PF is to be deducted?

Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh)     17 February 2010

Not all allowance are included but basic, dearness allowance, food concession, if any, retaining allowance only these 4 are included while computing the provident fund liability.


Maximum wage limit is Rs. 6500/- at present. Rateof deduction is 12%.


So far as minimum wages is concerned, it includes all allowances and total salary is to be taken into consideration which you are already paying.

Hemang (Director)     17 February 2010

Thanks to all for replies. So if minimuim wages is Rs.150 per day, can I give Rs.50 as basic, Rs.25 as HRA, Rs.30 as conveyance and Rs.45 as special allowance? In this case PF deduction and employee addition of PF willl be only on Rs.50, is this acceptable? Is there any norm for basic to total salary ratio?

Creative HR Solutions (Executive)     04 June 2010

What are the elements of salary of skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers in Maharashtra?

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