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Sarjooram Sharma (Assistant Labour commissioner)     21 January 2010

Minimum Wages applicable in Uttar Pradesh Under MW Act 1948

Minimum Wages in 58 Employments

Minimum Wages for worker in the state of Uttar Pradesh with effect from 01 October 2009 to 31 March 2010 are as following. for unskilled workers basic wages are Rs. 2600.00, for semi skilled workers basic wages are 2964.00 and for skilled workers basic wages are 3290.00 per month. Variable dearness allowance for unskilled workers are Rs. 851.72, for semi skilled workers are 970.97 and for skilled workers are 1077.76. In this way total monthly wages for unskilled worker are Rs. 3451.72, for semi skilled workers are 3934.97 and for skilled workers are 4367.76. Thus one days wages for unskilled workers are 132.76, for semi skilled workers are 151.34 and for skilled workers are 167.99. These wages rates are for the employees employed in 58 employments. Wages for agriculture workers are Rs. 100.00 per day. There are other wage rates for employees employed in brick kilns, hotels, sugar mills, newspaper employees and other employments for which the wages are determined through wages boards.

 27 Replies

Vijayarajan (Executive Director)     22 January 2010

Sir, Whether these wages are implemented in UP. It is the general belief among the Trade unions and the industrialists that labour legislations are just in the books and are toothless tigers in many of the states in India.

Sarjooram Sharma (Assistant Labour commissioner)     22 January 2010

We try to implement.

Vijayarajan (Executive Director)     23 January 2010

As the ALC, what is your assesment about the implimentation of MW act in UP? HOW FAR IT IS IMPLEMENTED? How many workers did actually receive the benifit? Whether this is a game for polititions and officials? And as a socially committed individual what is your assessment?  This is just for my accademic informations please..

S V Narayanan (Personnel Manager)     23 January 2010

Thanks for your valuable input sharma ji...

Can you please guide me whether there is separate basic rate of wages for Factories and if so from where i can get copy of the notification....

Kindly help me...


Sarjooram Sharma (Assistant Labour commissioner)     23 January 2010

Minimum wages and schedules of employment are different from one state to other state. In U.P. the captioned rates are applicable in factories except sugar facories, distillaries, spinning mills. Engineering industry and newspaper factories.

Suresh C Mishra (advocate)     23 January 2010

 Thanks You Mr. Sharma JI for your services in the lawyerclubindia . Please send the detailed information about the Minimum Wages for the academic purpose to all my friends in UP as well as in the other states . 

S.B.adil rahman (Legal Consultant )     01 February 2010

Sarjooram Sir,

I would request you to please post the details as a File and also refer to the respectiove G.O. Whether it is a G.O or any Act has been passed . What is the penal provision for non-compliance?

S V Narayanan (Personnel Manager)     01 February 2010

Thanks sharma ji...if you could scan the relevant basic notification & dearness allowance notification with respect to Uttar Pradesh that will be great assistance to entire community....kindly help us...

Sarjooram Sharma (Assistant Labour commissioner)     01 February 2010

I do not have scanner in my computer, I can rather send you photocopy if you inform about address.

Sarjooram Sharma (Assistant Labour commissioner)     01 February 2010

GO no. is 401/36-3-06-7(MW)/04 Dated 24.02.2006. and these wages are decided under Minimum Wages Ac t 1948.

S V Narayanan (Personnel Manager)     02 February 2010

Thanks a lot for your quick & prompt sharma ji...if possible please take a photocopy and send to my address....S V Narayanan, E-118, Santhanam Road, TVS Nagar, Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625 006...i will send the expenses by draft, if you prefer ji...

S V Narayanan (Personnel Manager)     02 February 2010

Thanks sharma ji...if you tell me your location, i can send somebody from my office and collect the same, please...

Sarjooram Sharma (Assistant Labour commissioner)     03 February 2010

Office of Deputy Labour Commissioner, 23, A. P. Sen Road, Lucknow

Sarjooram Sharma (Assistant Labour commissioner)     03 February 2010

Dear Mr. Narayanan, the notifications are in bulk and VDA is changing every six months, however I will send. But I will furnish Minimum wages for last four years for you perusal and doing the needful, with regards yours sincerely sarjoo ram.

Minimum Wages for 58 Employments
Notification No. 401/36-3-06-7(MW)/04 Dated 24.02.2006                            Basic Points - 522 at 1982=100 Basic Points 522   Base - 1982=100  
Period Index No. Basic Index Unskilled Semi Skilled Skilled
From To Basic V.D.A. Total Daily Basic V.D.A. Total Daily Basic V.D.A. Total Daily
24-Feb-06 31-Mar-06 527 522 2600 24.90 2624.90 100.96 2964 28.39 2992.39 115.09 3290 31.51 3321.51 127.75
1-Apr-06 30-Sep-06 545 522 2600 114.56 2714.56 104.41 2964 130.60 3094.60 119.02 3290 144.96 3434.96 132.11
1-Oct-06 31-Mar-07 556 522 2600 169.35 2769.35 106.51 2964 193.06 3157.06 121.43 3290 214.29 3504.29 134.78
1-Apr-07 30-Sep-07 582 522 2600 298.85 2898.85 111.49 2964 340.69 3304.69 127.10 3290 378.16 3668.16 141.08
1-Oct-07 31-Mar-08 593.5 522 2600 356.13 2956.13 113.70 2964 405.99 3369.99 129.61 3290 450.64 3740.64 143.87
1-Apr-08 30-Sep-08 617 522 2600 473.18 3073.18 118.20 2964 539.43 3503.43 134.75 3290 598.75 3888.75 149.57
1-Oct-08 31-Mar-09 635 522 2600 562.84 3162.84 121.65 2964 641.63 3605.63 138.68 3290 712.20 4002.20 153.93
1-Apr-09 30-Sep-09 677 522 2600 772.03 3372.03 129.69 2964 880.11 3844.11 147.85 3290 976.92 4266.92 164.11
1-Oct-09 31-Mar-10 693 522 2600 851.72 3451.72 132.76 2964 970.97 3934.97 151.34 3290 1077.76 4367.76 167.99


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