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rajesh pundeer (rep)     11 December 2014

Mismatching in 26as statement tcs by govt psu

Hi ,I am 72 year old trader of scrap .I have purchased scrap from a govt PSU i year 2011-12.They collected TCS of Rs. 16000=00 & issued Form D 27D mentioning all the details like tax deposited, bsr code date, challan no. etc. duly signed by the authorised finance officer of PSU.Due to some clarical mistakes from the PSU side its not showing in the 26AS statement .Since I have claimed the TCS amount without verifing the 26 AS statement.I am getting the demand notice of this TCS amount alongwith the interest.I request the concerened PSU officials to rectifies the mistake .But they are not listening & saying that the conaultant who filed the return for that has left the PSU so nothing can be done in this regard.

For year 2013-14 I am going to get a refund of Rs.4200=00 ,but that amount is adjusted by CPC u/s 245 ITR.

My query is that what will be my next  of action should be?

Can this department get away with there irresponsible manner?

Weither I have to deposit the demanded Income tax with interest?

Anybody can guide in this regard,Please Advice.Thanks in advance


Rajesh Pundeer

 1 Replies

M. Kannan (Consultant)     11 December 2014

What I believe is the PSU either has not filed quarterly tds return or filed with wrong Pan number of yours. If the PSU had filed tds return mentioning your Pan, it would have appeared in 26AS. Upon your request, the Co. has to file the revised tds return mentioning your correct PAN. If no response from PSU, Then visit the concerned tax authority explain him with the TCS certificate.

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